Agent Katie: Hot Summer Days at the Pool

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

Agent Katie tries to beat the heat in a teeny-tiny bikini at the S.P.A.N.K. Headquarters pool.

In retrospect, she probably should have gone to the pool at her condo…but the men there tend to gawk and stare, and the wives and girlfriends get jealous and catty…

In which case, she might have ended up like this anyway…

Agent Katie had dozed off on a lounge chair at HQ, laying on her front with her bikini strings undone. She awoke to strong hands holding and binding her limbs, a tight cleave between her teeth.

She had no idea to where her bikini top disappeared, but was grateful it wasn’t stuffed in her mouth.

After she was placed on an air mattress and set adrift in the pool, Agent Katie took care not to squirm or struggle too much, lest she slip off into the cool water. But the vinyl surface below her was growing slick with her perspiration and it was becoming more difficult for her to balance.

Agent Katie wasn’t too concerned about what would happen if she went under, because a crowd of villains had gathered. Surely one of those watching her closely would jump in to rescue her?

That wasn’t much solace, however – because in this vulnerable state any one of them could claim her…and they seemed to be in deep discussions about something…


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give the artist Alucard’s Spirit a look in my gallery below.

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

<–my mantra for the new year!  

Let’s make this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Agent Katie: Fembot Assimilation – QB Tuesday #79

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

Agent Katie is about to be assimilated into the fembot collective!

“Your organic material will serve as the mother of a new hybrid army,” the synthetic fembot intoned in a cold tone.

“Uhhh…wait!” Agent Katie cried. “I’m clearly unfit to be anyone’s mother.”


I’m sure all you creative kinksters out there can come up with an even BETTER caption than mine above.

SHOW ME! Add your caption in the comments below and I’ll give a shoutout to my favorites on the next post!

Today’s post is the 79th of my series,”Quick Bites Tuesday” from a conversation with CallMePlisskin years ago. MASSIVE thank you to my artist partners who have collaborated with me on this series!!


Last week, there were several captions that could have been winners! I enjoyed this one by michaelryu that captures Agent Katie’s typical lack of focus on important details:

“You think she would be aware whenever a tribe gives her an obvious ‘sacrificial maiden’ outfit to wear – but they are always too sexy to turn down!”

Agent Katie: What's Krakenlackin? - QB Tuesday #78


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give the artist Alucard’s Spirit a look in my gallery below.

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

<–my mantra for the new year!  

Let’s make this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Throwback Thursday #17 – Resident Evil

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

“Dammit! These are NOT the kind of LICKERS I like to have chasing me!” 

Long before Agent Katie was with S.P.A.N.K., she was with S.T.A.R.S…and she looked damn fine filling out that uniform, too!

As the vile mutated former humans closed in on Agent Katie, she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

“Sorry…seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you…but that’s more than MOST men need!”


Welcome to the 17th episode of ‘Throwback Thursday!’ and our homage to the classic 90s game ‘Resident Evil.’

And here’s an alt version from RE3:

Alucard and I hope you’ve enjoyed this series of cheesy B-Movie and Basic Cable TV and gaming nostalgia.

All the previous episodes are saved in a Gallery on my home page:

‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon,’ ‘Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity,’ ‘Barbarian Queen,’ ‘Earth Girls are Easy,’ ‘Barb Wire,’ ‘Night Trap,’ ‘Mars Attacks,’ ‘Big Bad Wolf,’ ‘Candyman,’ ‘Weird Science,’ ‘Silk Stalkings,’ ‘Miami Vice,’ ‘Baywatch,’ ‘Acapulco H.E.A.T.,’ ‘Die Hard,’ and ‘Duke Nukem.’

Here are links to a few, but check out the new gallery feature below for the rest!

No promises, but do you have any suggestions for a future Throwback Thursday??


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year! 

Thank you for making 2023 the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Officers Katie and Cecy – First Contact

Art by Jonut21

Image and more at WordPress link

Officers Katie and Cecy learn that when the Prime Directive is violated, AoS Fleet officers often GET violated.

And one mandate of the directive is that individuals and equipment are expendable to prevent violations.


The Prime Directive is very clear: interfering in the normal development of any society is prohibited.

Here we can see a clear violation of two individuals exposing lesser-evolved creatures to societal norms their species has not yet developed.

Their society has not evolved to the pivotal point of enlightenment after which female humans are common currency and forbidden to roam freely.

For example, the curvy blonde science officer is clearly not aware that it is unacceptable in evolved societies for a woman to be without a control collar and locking wrist bracelets. Nor does she realize that her boots are the only item of her apparel NOT banned by law.

Although Melvin, the Android. Of. Submission. (2nd class), has assessed that the blonde specimen is more enlightened than most female humans when it comes to subservience, he should know better. He knows she may be traumatized when he affixes her control collar and forces her to strip and march back to the training facility. And it will be an inappropriate evolutionary leap for her to undergo the conditioning necessary to become a concubine to the overlords.

Meanwhile, Blarp the Grabblegroper’s hunger and lust for human flesh exacerbated his natural tendency to rash and poor judgment. Humans are too primitive to experience the physiological and technological advancement of his species. The beautiful brunette operations officer in yellow was simply ill-prepared for his ability to consume her, breed her, and take gratification from her – simultaneously and perpetually.

What made these two ‘enlightened’ creatures disregard the Prime Directive with these two primitive human women? 

Why did Blarp snag Officer Cecy and begin using his tentacles to ‘warm her up’ while ‘tasting’ her backside? Why did Melvin seize Officer Katie’s legs and pulse his ‘nose’ between her thighs until she was reduced to a pliable plaything begging for release?

Was the allure of these naive and unsuspecting females just too great to resist?

Unfortunately for Officers Katie and Cecy, the only way for Melvin the Android. Of. Submission (2nd class) and Blarp the Grabblegroper to avoid punishment for violating the Prime Directive is to keep their specimens a secret from others – and keep them for themselves.


Huge thanks to my friend @jonut21 for this fun artwork that’s a treat for both @Cecyme and myself!

I’m flattered that our stories can inspire his artwork, and I’m grateful for our collaborations!

When he shared this artwork with me, he challenged me to compose ‘Officer Katie’s Scientific Log.’ Though I took the challenge in a slightly different direction, I hope I fulfilled the request satisfactorily – otherwise I’ll have to ‘make it up to him.’

Go check him out on his DA page for lots of fun scenes and more artwork with his minions.

And lots more of his Agent Katie work is in HIS gallery on my DA page:…

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!  

Thanks to all of you, 2023 was my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

Throwback Thursday – Mars Attacks Katie!

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

A girls’ night out of club-hopping got rudely interrupted when alien creepies descend upon the city.

The S.P.A.N.K. Agency has long known that Mars Needs Women (and Moms, apparently) – and now Mars wants Katie and her fellow agents!


The tenuous treaties that the Agents of S.P.A.N.K. have with the Space Toads of Abrexia-9 aren’t the only fragile agreements they have with aliens.

In ultra-classified negotiations with < redacted > carried out by < redacted > conceding < redacted > during the spring of < redacted >, the Agency established a peaceful coexistence with < redacted >.

Trust us, it was all legit and ratified and didn’t make any concessions on the number of human females the Martians were allowed to take annually.


Well, it seems the Martians have grown dissatisfied with their annual ‘bag limits,’ which totally don’t exist, according to < redacted >.

And they figured the best way to get out of the treaty was to start by taking the Agency’s own agents first!

So while Agent Katie and her friends were making their way from one nightclub to another in the city center, the aliens ambushed the girls.

The timing was actually pretty well planned – I mean, have you ever tried running from aliens on pavement in stiletto heels??

Agent Katie barely escaped a half-dozen grabby hands that left her clothes torn and tattered – at one point a Martian had her arm pinned while another tried to slip a glowy control collar on her.
She desperately lashed out and clunked their heads together – shattering their helmets and leaving them gasping for breath!

Her friends were not as lucky, though – they were taken – and some onlookers were flash-fried with a strange green ray!

Agent Katie watched angrily from behind a bridge pillar as her friends were restrained, collared, leashed and led away.

The ‘smart’ thing would have been to hide or run away and get help.

But Agent Katie couldn’t let her friends be taken without a fight – plus, she’s not known for always doing the ‘smart’ thing.

It was time to start bashing in some big-brained alien heads!!

            (you may wanna grab a chair and some popcorn for this)


Welcome to the seventh episode of ‘Throwback Thursday!’ and our homage to ‘Mars Attacks.’

Alucard and I hope you’ve enjoyed this bit of 80’s and 90’s cheesy B-Movie nostalgia.

All the previous episodes are saved in a Gallery on my home page:

‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon,’ ‘Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity,’ ‘Barbarian Queen,’ ‘Earth Girls are Easy,’ ‘Barb Wire’ and ‘Night Trap.’

Alucard’s Spirit and I hope you’ve enjoyed this bit of 80’s and 90’s cheesy B-Movie nostalgia.

All the previous episodes are saved in a Gallery on my home page:

‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon,’ ‘Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity,’ ‘Barbarian Queen,’ ‘Earth Girls are Easy’ and ‘Barb Wire.’

Here are links to a few, but check out the new gallery for the rest!

KatieD’s Throwback Thursday Gallery

No promises, but do you have any suggestions for next week’s Throwback Thursday??


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! 

Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Bump in the Night- QB Tuesday #19

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

“I’m sorry I ordered sashimi on our date – that wasn’t a relative, was it?”

It was already late at night when the news of the invasion went out. 

Horrific alien creatures were body-snatching men and women right off the street – it was impossible to know who was human, and who was just a puppet for their alien masters.

Agent Katie was getting ready for bed when the tentacled horror appeared…before the blonde beauty realized it, the creature was reaching out to claim her!

Will she be able to slip away in her lovely lingerie?  Or will her body be snatched by the aliens as well?


I’m sure all you creative kinksters out there can come up with an even BETTER caption than that!

SHOW ME! Add your caption in the comments below and I’ll give a shoutout to my favorites on the next post!


Today’s post is the 19th of a series, “Quick Bites Tuesday.”

Credit to @CallMePlisskin for the original idea.

He has his own #TuesdayTease series on his page – go check it out!

MASSIVE thank you to my artist partners who have collaborated with me on this series!!

I’m very grateful for you!   #Gratitude2023


As promised, here’s my favorite from last week, by my good friend @Rob66 :

“When Mr. Pacman seeks treatment from Dr. Jekyll!”


This artwork is by my friend and collaborator @AlucardsSpirit 

If you enjoyed, go give him a look on his DA page!

And watch for another #QBTuesday image next week.


Failed Rescue in the AoS Villains Lounge

Art by Jonut21

Image and more at WordPress link

‘Honorary Agent’ @Chickfighter attempted to rescue Agent Katie from the Villains and Monsters Lounge.

And, well, it went about as well as we all figured it would!

Follow up to this fun image, also by @jonut21 


My Agents of S.P.A.N.K. Headquarters (discord server) has a room called the Villains and Monsters Lounge.

There you can find a motley crew of enemy agents, kidnappers, goblins, froglins and boglins, space toads, and other ne’er-do-wells. Occasionally you can even spot a seductive spideress thanks to @MenchiMenagerie .

I created the room for them all to hang out, get to know each other, plot their plans and scheme their schemes, without any pesky agents or other do-gooders watching or listening in.


Recently @jonut21 ‘s Greebs (think alien greys, but cuter – DON’T tell them I called them cute) came by the AoS HQ for a visit.

Being the good hostess that I am, I popped in to check on them and see how they were getting along.


Apparently, not only were they getting along with the other villains just fine, they actually were playing instigators for some shenanigans!


THIS is why we have a strict rule that ‘NO agents are allowed to (willingly) enter the lounge.’

A rule that, unfortunately, I myself failed to follow.And now @Chickfighter is a ‘guest’ in the Villains’ Lounge too!


Huge thanks to my friend @jonut21 for this fun Agent Katie artwork.

I’m flattered that her stories could inspire his artwork, and I’m grateful for the gift!

Go check him out on his DA page for lots of fun scenes and more artwork with the Greebs!

And thank you to @Chickfighter for joining in the fun.


IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN US in the AGENTS OF S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

Agent Katie in the AoS Villains Lounge

Art by Jonut21

Image and more at WordPress link

My Agents of S.P.A.N.K. Headquarters (discord server) has a room called the Villains and Monsters Lounge.

There you can find a motley crew of enemy agents, kidnappers, goblins, froglins and boglins, space toads, and other ne’er-do-wells.

Occasionally you can even spot a seductive spideress.

I created the room for them all to hang out, get to know each other, plot their plans and scheme their schemes, without any pesky agents or other do-gooders watching or listening in.


Recently jonut21 ‘s Greebs (think alien greys, but cuter – DON’T tell them I called them cute) came by the AoS HQ for a visit.

Being the good hostess that I am, I popped in to check on them and see how they were getting along.


Apparently, not only were they getting along with the other villains just fine, they actually were playing instigators for some shenanigans!


THIS is why we have a strict rule that ‘NO agents are allowed to (willingly) enter the lounge.’

A rule that, unfortunately, I myself failed to follow.

I’m sure that these guys all just want to show their appreciation for my generosity as a hostess, right??


Well, can someone at least get a message to Senior Agent Swallow that I may be late for today’s staff meeting?

Or at least call someone like Chickfighter to rescue me?

Thanks, guys!


Huge thanks to my friend jonut21 for this fun Agent Katie artwork.

I’m flattered that her stories could inspire his artwork, and I’m grateful for the gift!

Go check him out on his DA page for lots of fun scenes and more artwork with the Greebs!


Agent Katie of S.P.A.N.K.  by Jonut21 by katied-life

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN US in the AGENTS OF S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

Agent Katie of S.P.A.N.K. by Jonut21

Art by Jonut21

Image and more at WordPress link

A friend who goes by @jonut21 asked for Agent Katie’s help.

He wanted her to help him with a problem he was having with some ‘Greebs.’

Agent Katie wasn’t quite sure what ‘Greebs’ were, but she’s always eager to help a friend.

She didn’t suspect a thing when he said she needed to be prepared for their arrival.

However, the moment their ‘SWAT Team’ arrived, Agent Katie began to realize Jonut’s ‘Greeb problem’ was going to be her problem, too!

As the smacking sounds of paddles on supple flesh echoed in the room, punctuated by Agent Katie’s whimpers and gagged cries, she had to wonder:

‘Did Jonut misunderstand the meaning of ‘Agents of S.P.A.N.K.’ ???’

        (perhaps intentionally)


Huge thanks to my friend @jonut21 for this fun Agent Katie artwork.

I’m flattered that her stories could inspire his artwork.

Go check him out on his DA page for lots of fun scenes and more artwork with the Greebies!


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of SPANK discord server, send me a private message.

Agent Katie Sundae

Art by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress link

‘hold the whipped cream’ version below

Image created by Alucard.  Go check out his page!

Story and image follows on from these posts:

Part 1: I Just F*cking Sat Down!!

Part 2: F*ck, Now What??

Part 3: Bedroom Ambush

Part 4: Up, Up and Away!

Part 5: Victory Lap!


The boglins carried me off into the passageways of the ship, continuing their noisy celebration and continuing to gratuitously grope and fondle my naked form. There was a brief kerfuffle when other boglins insisted on ‘getting their turn’ carrying me, though.

I endured much jostling and jolting as one set of boglins traded places with the other. I tried to point out that it might be easier to set me down and have the new group pick me up again, but my suggestions went unheeded amidst the raucous banter and laughter.

The thing I noticed about being manhandled by amphibians- or bog-handled?? –  was the cold hands of the new group…apparently my body heat warmed the hands of the first group, so the new group’s cold fingers raised gooseflesh on my body all over again!

At least that’s the reason I told myself that my nipples were getting hard and I was gasping from cold hands grabbing at me. Certainly not because I was getting aroused from being bog-handled and carried around helplessly like a championship trophy. 

NOPE! It was the cold hands, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

The boglins took me back to the ship’s galley we’d passed earlier. Of course, they took the long way around again, making almost another complete circuit of the ship. Along the way, more boglins joined in the procession and cheering, following along behind us.

I had to admit, being taken into and through a kitchen was a little unnerving, with the implications of cooking and preparing meals…but that was NOT what ‘The Chef’ was known for doing with his human female captives. He was much more interested in creating his culinary works of art. So far, that seemed to be their plan for me as well.

Through the galley we entered a large mess hall. As we entered, I saw tables and chairs pushed aside to create an open area with a large table in the center. Other boglins were standing around the table, which held the wriggling figure of Junior Agent Natalie.

Of course, even before we entered the large room I could hear Natalie’s loud cries and gasps. She was making quite curious sounds – they were somewhere between anguished tormented wails, and the sounds of a woman in the throes of passion.

As we got closer, I could see why. Junior Agent Natalie was stretched out on the tabletop on her back. Her fair skin was covered in a thick brown glaze of sorts, with small flakes of white on its surface. And a quartet of boglins was licking it off of her!

A fifth boglin was standing on the tabletop, pouring more glaze onto the parts of Natalie that had been licked clean…mostly her breasts and inner thighs, of course. He looked up as the procession entered the room.  “Chef!” he called out. “We’re out of sea salt again!”

Grime gestured toward Natalie and her eager tormentors. “As you see, Agent Katie, your pretty young agent makes a very sexy and entertaining Salted Caramel Cheesecake. I provided the caramel and salt, she’s the cheesecake!” He laughed loudly at his own joke.

“You cretin!” I snarled at him. “Tell your minions to stop torturing her this instant!”

Grime put a hand to his ear. “Torture? Those don’t sound like the noises of a human female being tortured…no, sounds to me as if Agent Natalie is enjoying herself immensely. According to the telemetry from her collar…” He paused as he consulted a flickering screen. “…she’s had…seventeen orgasms since her capture.”

“Fiend.” I muttered. “She’s just a junior agent…she doesn’t deserve this!”

“On the contrary,” he retorted with an amused smirk. “You offered her as bait for me, and I took the bait – just as you intended. It’s not my fault you weren’t there to spring the trap. We’ve actually been kind, entertaining her while she waited days for you to rescue her.” 

He chuckled as I looked at Natalie, squirming on the table, looking at me with pleading eyes. “And I must agree she does make effective bait…she lured you here, after all.”

“Yes, and here I am. I submitted, as you demanded. Now set her free, like you promised!”

Grime took on a surprised look. “Oh, no, no, dear Agent Katie. I never promised to set her free. I only agreed to let you take her place. And you will…here on this table, right now.”

“You lying, no-good, scum-sucking, sorry excuse for a space frog, mother-f….”

“Agent Katie!” Grime interrupted. “Please, let’s be civilized about this. One more vulgar outburst, and I’ll have the boys wash your mouth with soap along with the rest of you!”

Grime turned to the boglins still happily lapping at Natalie’s glaze-covered flesh. “That’s enough for now, boys…it’s time for Agent Katie to take her place. Take Agent Natalie to get cleaned up and restrained inside a sleep pod…I’m sure she could use a break.”

The boglins on the table groaned, but followed orders. They lifted her to a sitting position and tried to help her to her feet, but she was too weak to stand. A few more boglins joined them and together they carried the softly moaning girl out of the room.

“Be strong, Natalie!” I called to her as she disappeared. “I’ll get us out of this!” I hoped I sounded more confident to Natalie and the boglins than I did to myself. 

Grime pushed a button and the table cleaned itself of the residue that had dripped off – and from – Agent Natalie. His minions laid me on my back on the table and stretched my arms and legs out toward the corners. I heard my shackles click as they turned red and attached to the tabletop. No amount of tugging or squirming could make them budge.

“You boys get the lovely Agent Katie washed while I go collect our ingredients,” Grime instructed before walking away to a chorus of ‘Agent Girl Sundae! Agent Girl Sundae!’

“Dammit, Grime, I will make you pay for this…” I looked anxiously at the boglins stepping closer with buckets of water, soap, and scrub brushes. “I’ll make you all pay for this!”

I’ll say one thing about Grime’s boglin minions, they took their jobs seriously. When he instructed them to ‘wash me,’ they took their time and were extremely thorough. I thought I was pretty clean when the first group gave me a once-over, but then a second group stepped up to start the process all over again. Such attentive little creatures!

Grime, Gorman and Brat soon returned with pitchers and small containers. Grime shooed the cleaning boglins back, but let them stay for his ‘next culinary masterpiece.’

I eyed them warily. “Grime, I’m as kinky as the next girl, but this is ridiculous. You think a little bit of groping and licking is going to break me? I just need to hold on until Director Alucard gets ahold of your boss! You’ll never get me to talk, you perverted freak!”

Grime replied with a sneer. “I don’t need you to talk at all, Agent Katie.” He motioned to Gorman. “I actually find gagged moaning just as alluring as loud begging. And if you’re silenced I don’t have to listen to your insults any more.” He grinned as Gorman stuffed the plug part of a panel gag into my mouth and buckled it tightly into place.

I ‘mmmphed’ angrily and tugged against my restraints. I know the little show of defiance was exactly what he wanted to see and hear. But it made me feel a little better.

‘The Chef’ began by pouring a thin cream over my abdomen, coating my breasts and making a puddle of it on my tummy. “This is the finest dolce de leche,” he explained while Brat and Gorman spread it all over my flesh with their bare hands. “I prefer it to ice cream because despite the nice effect cold has on human female nipples, ice cream makes captives flail about too much. I prefer to see my artwork writhing sensually.”

He had a point. The warm cream moistened my skin and made the boglins’ hands feel slick as they roamed all over me. I suppressed a sigh. I couldn’t deny that it felt like a warm oil massage. If I closed my eyes and imagined a hunky masseuse, anyway.

Next, Grime poured lukewarm chocolate sauce in thin strips and little puddles everywhere. I saw Gorman and Brat with wide eyes and broad grins, licking their lips.

“Not yet, boys,” Grime warned after seeing their eagerness. “We still have to add the finishing touches.” He produced a colorful aerosol can and popped off the red plastic top. “One of my favorite human inventions,” he mused, shaking the can and then shooting a stream of whipped cream directly into his mouth.

He leaned over me and moved the nozzle in circles to create little mounds of whipped cream over both my breasts and between my legs. Now THAT was cold! “Sorry about that,” he chuckled as I flinched. “It has to be cold to create a firm, perky little mound.” 

I glared at him as the cold made me flex my hips and my chest rose and fell rapidly.

He set the can down and picked up a small container. “And now, for the ‘pièce de résistance’ that might cause you to lose your ‘résistance.’ He plucked out individual cherries and carefully placed them on top of the mounds of whipped cream.

“Voila!” He cried, making a ‘chef’s kiss’ motion while ginning down at me. All the boglins watching from around the room cheered. “Agent Girl Sundae! Agent Girl Sundae!”

I was filled with apprehension as the three closed in around me. My eyes flickered between each, wary of what was to come next. I could see the rest inching closer to get a better view. I began tugging against my restraints and twisting my shoulders and hips.

I heard a click and noticed that the lights on my shackles had turned green. Suddenly, I could twist and pivot my arms and legs, although the shackles still clung to the tabletop.

“Oh, yes, my dear Agent Katie,” Grime teased. “Please feel free to writhe and wriggle to your heart’s content. In fact, I encourage it! The more energetic your struggles, the more my boys and I will try to make you squirm. And the more delightful work of art you’ll be!” 

“Mmmmm…Mmmmh!!” I pleaded through the gag. I instinctively tried to scoot away, but the shackles wouldn’t let me lift my arms or legs, or move myself across the table.

Gorman was the first to make contact with me. He met my gaze as he stuck out his long thin tongue and began to lap at the sole of one of my bare feet. It tickled, especially with the slick cream on my smooth skin, and I squealed into the gag. I tried desperately to pull my foot away from him, but I was helpless to do any more than flex my foot around. My thigh began to tense and tremble when I couldn’t escape his relentless foot licking!

I saw movement to my side and saw Brat leaning over the edge of the table toward me. I recoiled with a squeaking noise into the gag and tried to slide my upper body away. 

He laid his wide flat tongue against my side and licked up the line of my ribs until he reached the side of my breast. The scratchy surface of his tongue made me flinch and try in vain to roll my body away. If I turned and lifted my body away, he continued tickling my ribs. When I’d fall back onto the table, he’d continue to tease and lap at my breast.

“Nnnngh! Unnnh…ahhh!” I couldn’t keep myself from crying out as I squirmed and flailed between the fast-moving tongues of my assailants. “Nnnnuhh! Nuh! Nuh!” I was actually grateful for the gag, or I’d be screaming and wailing much louder than Natalie had!

Grime paused and watched his boys get me worked up and writhing before he joined in. When he was ready, he climbed back on the table and stood ominously between my splayed legs. He waited until I made eye contact and then gave me a wicked look. He was enjoying seeing me thrashing about and hearing my increasingly agitated cries.

My eyes grew wide when I saw the triumphant look on his face. He was more than just a proud artist at the moment. He was more than a hunter toying with his prey. 

He was savoring every moment of my defeat. I’d thwarted and humiliated him for so long. He was going to take his time and indulge in dominating and humiliating me.

“Why, Agent Katie,” he sneered. “You look deliciously helpless. I already know how those ingredients on top of you will taste. I want to know how you taste on the inside.” He pointedly looked down between my legs as he knelt and put his hands on my legs.

“Nnnnuhh! Nuh! Nuh! Nuh!” I shrieked, beginning to panic. Brat and Gorman already had me close to a sensory overload. If he joined in…by licking and lapping at me…I’d lose it!

Holding on to my shins, he ducked his head between my thighs and used just the tip of his tongue to probe at my most vulnerable intimate spot. I squealed and tried to scoot further up the table, but his tongue reached much further than I could move away!

“Unnnngh…unf…unnhh…ungh…” My muffled protests were giving way to whimpers and moans. He’d just begun, and I was already losing control over my own body. Before long I’d succumb to what would likely be the first of many orgasms. Oh, no…I’m going to cum screaming in front of all of them! How in the hell did Natalie endure this for three days??

My body was trembling uncontrollably, my legs and arms tensing. My abs clenched. This was it, I was going to capitulate and give Grime the submission he wanted. 

“WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?” A booming voice came from just above me and echoed in the room. Grime froze and his head snapped up toward the giant holo-screen that had lit up just over my head. An angry-looking boglin stared down at me.

“Boss!” Grime said, shocked and fearful. “I was just gonna call you! Look who I caught!”

“I just had an unpleasant call from Earth,” the ‘boss’ continued. “Hunting treaties with Earth help keep the peace and protect Earth’s human female supply from depopulation. The MiB are willing to overlook a little over-hunting, but you’ve gone too far this time!”

“But boss!” Grime protested. “This is Agent Katie! She’s been preventing us from filling our hunting quotas…she’s in violation of the treaties, too!” he whined.

The boss looked thoughtful. “You do have a point. This does warrant further discussion.”

“Great! So we can continue enjoying our Agent-girl Sundae?” Grime said hopefully.

“NO.” the boss replied forcefully. “Bring her to me.”

to be continued…


Ok, ok, this one went really long…but I was having so much f’n fun with the scene I just kept going!

Will there be another image? Not sure…we’ll have to see.

See my WordPress site for a version without the whipped cream topping…

Enjoy the image?  Go check out more from Alucard.


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of SPANK discord server, send me a private message.