Evie in ‘Game of Webs’ pt 2: The Surprise

artwork by MenchiMenagerie

When Evie’s silken encasement was opened, her captor was NOT who she thought it was…uh oh!


Check out part 1 here:

Evie in 'Game of Webs' pt 1: The Hunt


There was no way for Evie to tell how long she was in that dreamless state; it was as if all her body’s functions had gone into a suspended state. She wasn’t hungry or thirsty; she didn’t have to relieve herself; she didn’t even feel tired or sore. In fact, she felt very awake and alive. But somehow she knew some time had passed since her capture. And she wasn’t in the garden.

She had a sense she was upright in her dark and silent encasement, but she could not feel any surface beneath her toes – it was as if she was suspended off the ground, but so evenly wrapped she could not feel a tension point from which she might be secured and hanging.

This was all something new, nothing that Laressa had ever done to her before. Still, it didn’t strike her as worrisome; after all, Laressa enjoyed surprising her and keeping her on edge.

It was startling, though, when she felt hands at the left side of her head. Fingertips danced over her wrappings, trying to find a loose end to undo. Once she felt a tug at the strands, though, Evie began to hear a smooth tearing sound, as if ripping off a piece of kitchen foil from a roll. The tugging progressed down the side of her head, neck, shoulders, and arm.

Before long, Evie realized her encasement was being cut away from her so that it could be removed in one large sheet. Soon, she thought, she’d be free and she could ask Laressa about the new techniques she’d employed…and make sure Laressa wasn’t cross with her.

The cutting stopped just at the side of Evie’s chest, just below her breast but above her elbow. The tugging on the wrap changed direction, pulling toward the front of her body, and soon Evie saw a glimmer of light on her left side. Soon she’d see Laressa’s smiling face…

…Except, to Evie’s shock, it wasn’t Laressa at all. Another flame-haired spideress, yes – but not the one Evie had grown to love and admire. This woman’s red hair was undercut on one side, the wavy hair on top flipped to the other side. Instead of Laressa’s customary red, this spideress wore an elegant green dress. And her eyes and expression held a menace and anger that Evie had never seen in Laressa, not even on her worst day.

“Who…who…are you?” Evie stammered. “Why…where is…”

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t start with ‘what are you,’ that tells me you’re familiar with spideresses, though I guessed that when you kept calling Laressa.” The woman glared at Evie, hatred in her eyes. “You know Laressa – who is she to you? A mistress perhaps? Are you some pet of hers?”

“I…uh…” Evie mumbled, still stunned. Something about the woman’s demeanor told her that saying anything of Laressa might put her friend and mistress in danger, so she remained still.

The woman scowled, narrowing her eyes. “Your silence says much, girl. You know Laressa – intimately, I’d bet. You think remaining silent protects her. I assure you, nothing is further from the truth; you’re making things much worse for her. Now speak,” she commanded.

“You’re lying,” Evie spat defiantly. “Laressa means something to you, too…so I’ll say nothing.”

“Stupid bimbo,” the woman sneered. She raised her segmented appendages with their fearsome tips and brought them close to Evie’s helpless body, tracing them around Evie’s cheekbones and jawline, and over her exposed breasts. Despite part of her wrapping being cut open, Evie’s arms were still bound behind her. Trying to shy away only exposed her vulnerable chest more.

“I could torture you to a painful end,” the intimidating woman warned, “and you’d eventually tell me everything I ask. What a waste. But rather than destroy this magnificent body of yours…”

The spideress paused to let her eyes roam pointedly over Evie’s bare flesh. “I’ll do worse to your mistress and make you watch. Now tell me what I want to know, and I’ll spare Laressa.” She leaned in menacingly. “I won’t lie, your fate is already sealed. But I promise to let Laressa live.”

Evie swallowed hard. She’d encountered enough villains, endured enough torture to know to take this woman seriously. She didn’t see an immediate way out. But perhaps, with time, she would. Cooperation didn’t necessarily mean capitulation, if a means to an end. Evie nodded.

“Smart girl,” the woman sneered. “Now, instead of spending our time together torturing you, I can indulge in other delights with your body…until it’s time to reunite you with your mistress.”


Just after midday Friday, Laressa made her way into the main entrance of the garden. In a few hours’ time, Evie would arrive for their hunt, and Laressa wanted to be well prepared. She had been looking forward to their time alone – regardless of the outcome, she and Evie would spend the weekend together. But the outcome would set the tone for who would spend it ‘on top.’

And there was NO way Laressa wanted to allow Evie to ‘top’ her! Laressa knew she must win.

Making her way to the depths of the garden along the main path, Laressa was shocked to see a silken gray bundle hanging from a tree branch, a few feet off the ground. The shape of the bundle suggested it was a woman wrapped inside; the wriggles and moans confirmed it.

‘Evie?’ Laressa thought, stunned. ‘What is happening here?’ Laressa hung back for a moment, extending her senses to identify any threat or trap – but there was nothing. No snares, no other creatures, nothing other than the dangling wrapped woman.

Cautiously, Laress approached her. The bound woman squealed and wriggled when Laressa touched her, despite Laressa’s softly spoken words. ‘Easy, Evie, I’ve got you…you’re safe…”

But it wasn’t Evie’s face that Laressa uncovered when she removed the wrapping. Underneath a white cloth blindfold, brown eyes set in the dusky olive skin of a Latina girl peered up at her. Laressa recognized the blindfold as the torn remains of Evie’s favorite white jogging bra.

Removing the girl’s yellow bandana gag amid plaintive whimpers, Laressa found Evie’s lycra jogging shorts in the girl’s mouth. And tucked inside the shorts was a note, the ink of which somehow survived the girl’s profuse drooling. Laressa left the bound woman laying on the ground while she hurriedly scanned the familiar script on the note:


I’d heard rumors your hunting grounds were around here, and lucky for me, rumors were true. If you wish to see your little blonde pet again, you’ll surrender to me – you know where. Come alone, and we’ll make a trade. There’s a price to be paid for what you did to me, and it’s your choice who pays it – you, or your bimbo. Hurry, though, I’m not sure how much longer I can make the blonde last…she’s just too delicious for me to resist much longer.

Oh, by the way, do whatever you want with the Mexican girl, I have no further use for her.


Laressa grimaced. She’d known this day would come someday – Ari wouldn’t remain imprisoned forever, no matter how heinous her crimes. Ari had sworn revenge for Laressa betraying her to the crown. Laressa hadn’t been too worried – she’d always been able to take care of herself. But those were the days before Laressa connected with any humans she actually cared about.

Now, her friend and ally and submissive pet was in danger, and it was her fault. Years ago, she wouldn’t have valued any of her pets enough to consider trading herself for them. Evie – and a few others – had changed that. Losing her wasn’t something Laressa could casually accept.

‘Dammit, Ari,’ she seethed. ‘I will make you pay tenfold for this…’

Laressa looked down at the wide-eyed Latina squirming on the ground below her, tears streaming down the pretty girl’s face. “Well, I might as well take you with me,” she murmured. Laressa tossed the girl over her shoulder. “I can’t very well leave you here like this.”

~~~to be continued~~~

This sexy kinky fun times image is by my awesome loyal friend and longtime collaborator MenchiMenagerie to go with the story I wrote for his birthday. That’s right, I wrote a gift story for him, and he did MORE artwork to go with it…just the kind of guy he is!

Please go give MenchiMenagerie a visit over on his page and show him some love! He’s definitely worthy of your kinky fun times commission budget.

Here’s a great example of one of our projects together: Testing, Just Encase

He’s a lot of fun to work with and his commission rates are very reasonable. Please go check out his DA page, give him some positive reinforcement, and consider working with him!


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!  Thanks to all of you, 2023 was my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

Evie in ‘Game of Webs’ pt 1: The Hunt

artwork by MenchiMenagerie

Evie goes for a run and finds herself stuck in a sticky silken snare…

now, why would Laressa do that?!?


It was sunny, warm and humid outside as Evie stepped out for her Thursday afternoon run. Though she wasn’t a huge fan of humidity, it made her sweat more profusely, making her feel like she was getting a really good workout. And she was eager to push herself hard today.

The workout was a way for Evie to prepare herself for the challenge to come. Tomorrow Evie and Laressa had one of their regular ‘hunts’ scheduled, one in which Laressa would track, stalk, and attempt to snare Evie, and Evie would do her best to elude Laressa.

These hunts had long been part of a pact the two had made; Laressa, a Spideress, promised not to hunt women from among the local citizens, and Evie promised not to hold Laressa accountable for any past ‘indiscretions’ with unwilling prey. Laressa was, however, still allowed to indulge her spideress desires with willing prey from among her friends and clients.

Participating in consensual playtime wasn’t always enough to fulfill the needs of the predator OR the prey, however. Sometimes there was just something missing, an itch unscratched. So Evie proposed a mutually beneficial arrangement that could fulfill both their hunting desires.

By participating in these hunts, Laressa still got to experience the thrill of the chase and keep her predatory desires and skills fresh. Evie, in turn, honed her evasion and detection skills and got to experience the thrill of being hunted – as well as unwilling and forced submission.

The fact that Laress had become an oft-times ‘Mistress’ to the submissively-inclined Evie just added that much more excitement and sensuality to having Laressa capture and bind Evie.

Now well into her run, Evie picked up her pace and enjoyed the first prickling of perspiration breaking through her skin and beading on her scalp and neck. She could feel the snug spandex of her white jogging bra dampening across her cleavage and between her shoulder blades, and could feel the back waistband of her black ultra-short running shorts (which were little more than spandex underwear) becoming moist from sweat trickling down her lower back.

Approaching a large garden, Evie took a sharp turn into a side gate. This dense foliage of the park was one of Laressa’s favorite places – and the usual location of their hunts. Tomorrow, Evie would enter through this same gate, and try to make her way to the far end and back without Laressa snaring her. Jogging through the park today would help her re-familiarize herself with the layout and get her head focused on the hunt.

As Evie made her way along one of the main paths, noting all the side paths and alternate routes, she had a sense that someone – or something – was watching her. As a trained agent, she was always in-tune to her environment – and so she knew she wasn’t the only one there.

A whisper of leaves to her right reinforced her suspicions. “That you, Lar?” Evie called out. “You here practicing? Or couldn’t you wait until tomorrow?”

Evie’s questions were met with an abrupt silence. Whoever was cloaked by the foliage had definitely heard Evie’s call, and had gone still, watching and waiting. To Evie, that somewhat confirmed it was Laressa laying in wait for her somewhere – most anyone else would have either shown themselves, or tried to slink away. ‘Laressa is patiently waiting,’ she thought.

“Alright, Laressa, game on!” Evie called out in a happy, sing-song tone. A side trail broke off the main path to her left, so Evie headed that way at a brisk pace.

While rounding a corner at a full run, a glint of light off a gossamer thread caught Evie’s eye. She instantly dropped and tucked her shoulder into a roll until she could catch her momentum. A silken strand caught at her loose hair as he rolled beneath it, and her shoe glanced off another, but neither made enough solid contact to snare her.

“Close, Lar, but not hidden enough!” Evie yelled in a brash taunt she knew she might later regret. Still, she was excited to have spotted and evaded the criss-cross of webbing spanning the path. To her right, another slight noise in the brush instantly went silent when she spoke.

Evie slowly stood and marveled at the intricate snare, noting some subtle changes in the pattern from Laressa’s usual techniques. “Trying something new, are you?” she yelled.

There of course was no response; Laressa wouldn’t be baited with a little taunting. So Evie continued on, taking a branch in the trail that would take her further from the main trail.

Only a couple dozen yards down the trail, Evie spotted another tangle of webbing crossing the path, this one a bit easier to see than the last. ‘Hmmh…’ Evie thought, studying the placement as she skirted the trap. ‘Not like Laressa to miss the…’

Evie’s thoughts were interrupted as her bare shoulder and knee were tugged by something soft but unyielding. She looked down in dismay to see fine gossamer threads stretched taut by her shoulder, and more clinging to her knee, calf and thigh. “Oh, crap on a cracker,” she muttered.

At the same time, Evie heard skittering sounds in the brush many yards away.

Years ago, Evie might have panicked and began tugging or thrashing to get herself free – which would have inevitably caused her to become more and more tangled in the webbing. Instead, she calmly used her thumb and forefinger to pluck the strands away from her skin at a right angle, avoiding contact with the rest of the trap. Within seconds, she was free, and cautiously circled the secondary trap, now much more on guard for additional webs.

“That was a clever one!” Evie called over her shoulder, moving away quickly. “You almost had me that time, Laressa!

The instant Evie shouted Laressa’s name, the movement in the foliage stopped. There was a long pause of silence and Evie became more aware of her own noise. ‘I need to get back on a quieter path,’ she thought, and angled back toward the main route through the garden.

Somewhere behind her, Evie heard the rustle of brush start up again, and knew that she was being actively pursued. She really needed to get back to that main path to put some distance between them! Still watching for snares, she moved as quickly as she could.

Once on the main path, Evie broke into a sprint. She needed to get to the other end of the garden before she could think about plotting a path back to the entrance. It was unusual for Laressa to place many snares so aggressively; she was usually much more subtle than that.

On a downhill section of the path, just as she was picking up speed, Evie spotted a single thick band of silk crossing the path at mid-shin level, well-hidden in shadow. Without breaking stride, she launched herself over the trip-wire…and too late, saw the second, much thinner band at mid-thigh level.

Evie kicked up with her lead foot, barely clearing the strand of webbing, but the desperate leap meant that her trailing thigh impacted the strand directly. All she could hope would be that her momentum would snap the strand and carry her through it.

Strangely, instead of breaking, the anchors of the strand easily yielded, and the sticky thread moved with her – dragging a broad net of silken fibers along with it. So as Evie stumbled and sprawled headfirst into the dirt, the intricate webbing landed atop her. And as she tucked and rolled to absorb the impact, the netting wrapped and clung to her.

“Aww, fork!” Evie cursed in dismay, already knowing this was more webbing than she’d be able to remove before her pursuer arrived. Indeed, she could hear the rustling in the foliage approaching slowly, as if the pursuer was confident but cautious of a counter-attack.

Unfortunately for Evie, she had no means to counter anything – her pursuer was about to become her captor. But though she knew she was hopelessly entangled in sticky webbing, she still struggled and strained to at least get an arm or a leg free. Her skin, already slick with perspiration from the run and now matted with dust, was pinched tight by clingy fibers.

She had landed face down on the ground with her forearms tucked under her, protecting her chest and face from impact – but her upper arms were stuck tightly to her sides. Similarly, her lower legs were free and splayed at angles, but her thighs were restrained from knee to hip. Though her curvy body was barely covered with her jogging gear, she couldn’t imagine she looked very sexy crumpled in a heap on the path, partially wound in silk with her ass in the air.

“That was a new one, Laressa!” Evie called out. “I didn’t see that coming, you got me!”

Her captor had stopped moving, still cloaked in the foliage beyond her feet, as if watching and waiting. “Well, what are you waiting for, Laressa?” Evie laughed. “You win…come claim your prize.” Evie worked herself over onto her back so she could watch Laressa approach. Before her captor revealed herself, though, a small net of webbing flew out of the brush.

Even if she had enough time to react, Evie wouldn’t have been able to move out of its way. It spread as it flew toward her, expanding to cover her face from chin to brows and wrapping around her head. Reflexively Evie had shut her eyes, and there were just enough strands over them to keep her from opening them again. And though her nose was clear, her mouth was criss-crossed ear to ear, clenching her jaw shut. “Mmmmhh!” was all she could manage.

Evie heard her captor finally emerging from the brush, standing over her, and walking around her, surveying her prone helpless form. She felt firm hands at her chin, lifting her face and turning it side to side as if her captor was admiring their handiwork – or inspecting its security.

While her head was lifted off the ground, Evie felt an additional layer of soft silk laid over her eyes and then carefully wrapped around her head, once, twice, three times. The process was repeated over her mouth, wrapping all the way around her head in a very snug fit.

Evie felt a hand grasping her upper arm, and then with an abrupt shove, she was rolled onto her front side. Her hip and her breasts absorbed most of the impact, but she landed hard enough to bounce her chin in the dirt with a grunt. ‘Laressa must be in a foul mood,’ Evie thought, trying to catch her breath. ‘Guess I shouldn’t have taunted her so much.’

Hands dragged Evie’s wrists behind her and brought them together in the small of her back, where they were encircled with broad strands of silken material. The webbing around her upper arms and shoulders had enough give that her elbows were drawn back as well, not quite touching, but enough to tighten her shoulders and push her chest into the dirt. The straining of the webbing added more tension to stretched muscles, but helped hold them securely in place.

Many captives in this situation might have been disconcerted to realize that while there were two hands holding them firmly, other touches could be felt as something else was wrapping the gauze-like material around them. Evie, however, was well aware of the nature of a spideress. She knew of their multiple segmented arms and the ability to release silk. She knew that while to most appearances they seemed human – but that they were also much MORE than human.

Evie heard a tearing sound at the same time as she felt a tugging on her chest, and then the fabric of her jogging bra slid out from under her, leaving her bare breasts pressed into the dusty path, nipples in the dirt. More tearing and tugging on her hips, and her running shorts were torn away as well. This was not a big surprise either; she knew Laressa preferred captives naked!

After Evie’s running shoes were removed, her ankles were brought together and also bound with the gossamer strips. More segments were wrapped around her knees and upper thighs, leaving her quite immobilized, unable to do more than squirm or try to writhe and inch over the ground.

All that was left at this point – Evie knew from experience – was for her to be completely wrapped and encased in silken material. Laressa often liked to start with her head and face, carefully placing the strands to ensure Evie could breathe, until – as she often did – Laressa wanted to tease and torment her captive, controlling her airflow with some intense breath play.

This time, however, Evie’s feet were wrapped first, across her arches and soles first, leaving her toes to flex and wiggle for a moment before they, too, were wrapped up. ‘Laressa’s really in a mood,’ Evie thought again, as she felt the gauzy silk compressing her flesh much more tightly than usual. All the way up her legs, over her hips and up to her abdomen the bands squeezed and shaped her curves, her supple flesh easily molded to her captor’s desires.

In a new technique, Evie felt a tight additional band encircling her upper thighs just below her buttocks, rigidly constricting her inner thighs and tucking her sex tightly away between them and out of reach. Her breasts received a similar treatment; once they’d been criss-crossed, encircled and covered, they were tightly banded into a pleasing rounded shape and hidden from view.

As the silk covered her face and smothered her ears, Evie heard a voice whispering above her. The distortion of the layers made the voice seem unfamiliar, and the words were quite confusing to Evie: “Sleep now, my delightful prey…there is much to be decided of this dilemma you pose to me…and many plans to be made before I can indulge in your bounty.”

Evie had no time to think much of it, however, before drifting off to a deep, dreamless sleep.

~~~to be continued!~~~

This sexy kinky fun times image is by my awesome loyal friend and longtime collaborator MenchiMenagerie to go with the story I wrote for his birthday. That’s right, I wrote a gift story for him, and he did MORE artwork to go with it…just the kind of guy he is! Please go give MenchiMenagerie a visit over on his page and show him some love! He’s definitely worthy of your kinky fun times commission budget.

Here’s a great example of one of our projects together: Testing, Just Encase

He’s a lot of fun to work with and his commission rates are very reasonable. Please go check out his DA page, give him some positive reinforcement, and consider working with him!


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!  Thanks to all of you, 2023 was my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.