Agent Katie’s Birthday Surprise

Art by Jonut21

Image and more at WordPress link

Art by Jonut21 Go check out his page!


Agent Katie is caught off guard and vulnerable by a sneaky early birthday attack by a clever crew of cretins.

Madame No, Contessa, and a few of their ‘friends’ surprise Agent K with some personalized birthday wishes.

What better way to catch an unsuspecting agent unaware, than by striking early and under cover of night?

Her birthday isn’t until Monday, so although she knew some shenanigans were coming, she didn’t expect them this early.


Agent Katie was lured to the premises of ‘Jonut21 LLC’ headquarters under a pretext to retrieve a very special MacGuffin.

There, she was immediately set upon by ‘Madame No’ and a gaggle of groping groupies.

Moments later she was half-stripped, bound, gagged, collared and leashed, and found herself the centerpiece of a birthday bash in her honor.

She soon realized that ‘Jonut21 LLC and Associates, d/b/a The Manor,’ had pulled out all the stops to make the celebration special, including SO MANY of her ‘favorite things.’

Just look at all the details!

Characters: Madame No, Contessa, Greeblies, an orc, a goblin, a space toad and a frog;

Paddles referencing Agents of S.P.A.N.K., I-PRUDE, and her beloved Michigan Wolverines;

Ropes, a tight knotted cleave, high heels and a collar and leash [ love love love ];

Even a nod to one of my besties Agent @Cecyme Medina, and the graffiti ‘Greebs Rool!’


Huge thanks to my friend Jonut21 for this fun [ early! ] birthday surprise artwork.

I can tell that he really pays attention to my stories and the things I like, and worked hard to include so many awesome details.

I’m flattered that our stories can inspire his artwork, and I’m grateful for our collaborations!

Go check him out on his DA page for lots of fun scenes and more artwork with his minions.

And lots more of his Agent Katie work is in HIS gallery on my DA page:

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!  Thanks to all of you, 2023 is my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

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