Deena and Evie: Knockout Blondes Knocked Out

Artwork by DxC2005

Blonde Knockouts Deena and Evie aren’t used to being the ones knocked out.

They were pretty confident going into their 2v2 fight – the curvy blonde pair had been working out quite a bit and felt like they were really in sync and ready for anything.

They’d even been a little brash, talking trash before the fight and taunting their no-name opponents.

Perhaps that’s why the pair of brunettes took such delight in pummeling the blonde pair – and lifting Deena’s head up by her hair to display her at the depths of her humiliation.


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give DxC2005 a look on his DA page or other links. 

And check out his feature length stories on his gumroad, too:

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!

Thanks to all of you, 2023 is my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Catrin’s First Match vs Aishah

Art by SchulzWorld

Image and more at WordPress link

Catrin Craddock finally got her first match in the BMA, thanks to help from her agent Lou Pryce.

How will Catrin fare against her fellow rookie Aishah?

Read the full story of the match below, but GO see the collage of images from the match on @SchulzWorld’s page:


Catrin was bubbling with nervous excitement. She had finally gotten her chance to compete in the BMA league. It seemed like forever she’d been training hard and hanging around the arena, all the while trusting that her agent, Lou Pryce, was going to get her a match.

She was matched up against Aishah, a raven-haired beauty with an 0-2 record. Rookies rarely won their first match, but Catrin felt she had a chance. She just didn’t want to get overconfident.

She also didn’t want to lose – from the matches she’d attended, she knew part of the league entertainment for the crowd was for the loser to serve a humiliating punishment, or ‘forfeit.’

She’d watched as others had been stripped, put into bondage, and put on display for the crowd. Watching the other losing fighters put into bondage was alluring, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to have the experience in such a public setting. She was proud of her body, but that didn’t mean she wanted to be displayed naked and exposed for the crowd to stare and cheer.

“You fired up?” Lou asked, glancing up from her phone and he constant texting.

“Yes…I’m eager for the match, but I’m nervous about losing,” Catrin replied.

“Then don’t lose.” Lou said it with a shrug of her shoulders, as if it were an easy solution.

“Lou, you know what happens to the loser, right?” Catrin asked. Surely Lou knew, right?

“Yeah…something about being humiliated after. So what? Just win and don’t worry about it.”

“Lou, they strip the loser and…” Catrin’s voice trailed off as Lou interrupted her.

“Look, you want this match or not?” Lou scowled. “You wanna know what I had to do to…well, just know I had to work really hard to get this match. Now get out there and give a good show!”

Catrin nodded, and held her tongue. Sometimes Lou seemed so focused on making deals and making money, she didn’t realize how hard this job was. But Catrin was grateful for the opportunity, so she gave Lou a slight smile and focused on the match ahead.

Catrin and Aishah were fairly evenly matched. After circling each other, they traded a dozen different grapples and locks. Each time, one or the other was able to slip out or break the hold. Noise from the crowd rose and fell as they did, but after a while the crowd was getting restless!

Aishah took a hard fall, and Catrin prepared to drop onto her. Aishah shot out her legs and swept Catrin’s out from under her. Now both wrestlers were on the mat on their backs.

They tangled their legs repeatedly, each looking for leverage. Catrin tried to pin Aishah’s legs together, but Aishah got under Catrin and pulled her body off the mat, robbing her of leverage!

Aishah pressed her advantage, swinging around to sit on Catrin’s chest, facing away in a ‘reverse cowgirl’ pose. When Catrin tried to kick up, Aishah grabbed Catrin’s leg and pulled it back toward herself until Catrin winced and groaned at the strain on her back and hamstrings.

With Aishah sitting on Catrin’s chest, legs pinning Catrin’s arms at her sides, Catrin could barely squirm and was getting short of breath. From that moment on, Aishah had the upper hand.

While Catrin gasped to recover, Aishah flipped her on her front. Now standing over her, Aishah pulled Catrin up to her knees. Grasping one of Catrin’s wrists in each hand, Aishah planted a foot between Catrin’s shoulder blades and pulled back harshly on Catrin’s arms.

Catrin cried out from the pain and strain. From her knees, she had no leverage, she couldn’t even get close to Aishah’s legs with a kick or sweep of her own. She knew at that point the end was inevitable. The increasingly frustrated shouts from Lou outside the cage didn’t help.

While Catrin barely held herself up on her hands and knees, Aishah stripped off Catrin’s bikini and began to buckle leather cuffs at her wrists and ankles. Then, grasping Catrin’s ponytail, she dragged the defeated redhead over to where the arena staff waited by a bondage frame.

Lou watched in surprise from the doorway as the handlers secured her client in the frame. Soon Catrin was attached to the frame by her wrists and ankles, bent forward in an awkward position.

That position got worse when a bow yoke went around her neck, keeping her head in place, thrusting her rear up and out. A final insult was a strip of tape placed over her mouth to gag her.

Aishah stood back and watched with amusement. She was ecstatic to get her first win, and proud of herself, but she’d paid such forfeits twice already. She knew how Catrin was feeling.

Catrin could hear the cheering and laughter from the crowd around her – particularly from those behind her with a clear view of her exposed sex. The humiliation added more sting to her loss.

But still,she couldn’t help feeling happy – she had made it! She’d completed her first match in the BMA, and if the loud roar of the crowd was any indication, she’d be invited back again soon!

Meanwhile, Lou, still stunned to see her client stripped and bound, texted Schulz. “You didn’t tell me my fighters would be humiliated like this when they lost! What am I going to tell my clients??”

Schulz replied: “Well, good thing you agreed to stand in for Luis if he loses…remember?”


Learn more about Catrin here:

And about Lou Pryce here:


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give @SchulzWorld a look on his DA page and other links.

@SchulzWorld specializes in Bondage, Damsels in Distress, Wrestling, and Cops and Criminals.

His gallery is full of beautiful buxom women – and he brings them together in sexy and dramatic ways.

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!

Thanks to all of you, 2023 was my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

Denise vs. Deena Round 2 – Cover Image

Artwork by DxC2005

To celebrate Curia-DD‘s birthday last week, DxC2005 and I did a quickie collaboration featuring Denise and Deena squaring off again.

Will Denise get revenge on Deena for humiliating her in their first round together?

Find out by going to @Curia-DD’s post and reading the entire PDF for free:

And be sure to check out more of her kinky and sexy artwork in her gallery, too!


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give DxC2005 a look on his DA page or other links. 

And check out his feature length stories on his gumroad, too:

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!

Thanks to all of you, 2023 is my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Introducing Catrin Craddock, rookie BMA wrestler

Art by SchulzWorld

Image and more at WordPress link

Catrin is new to the BMA scene in Kesstock, and ready to take on her first opponent.

She was the first athlete to sign with sports agent Lou Pryce and the first represented by Lou in the BMA.


Catrin is looking forward to a chance to prove herself to a new league in a new city!

Name: Catrin Craddock

Age: 23

Origin: Cardiff, Wales

Alternative Job: Physical Therapy/Rehab assistant (unlicensed), personal trainer

Fight Height: 5’ 5” (but lists 5’ 6” on fight entry forms)

Experience: Rookie

BMA Record: 0-0

Biography – Born into a wealthy family with high expectations, Catrin was involved in sports as a child and teen, and enrolled at Cardiff University to study Physiology.

While keeping fit in Martial Arts classes, she fell in love with sparring, fighting, and wrestling – to the point that she lost interest in school and dropped out after her 2nd year.

She moved to Kesstock to try and make it big in the wrestling leagues. While training she makes sporadic money to live on by assisting in a Physical Therapy/Rehab office, but spends a lot of time as a gym rat, occasionally picking up some cash as a ‘personal trainer.’

While at university in Cardiff she met Lou Pryce in a martial arts fitness class. Lou offered to act as Catrin’s agent and offered Catrin a finder’s fee for any athletes she gets to join – and then Lou followed Catrin to Kesstock.

Catrin doesn’t mind her status as a rookie in the league because of her love for wrestling and training, but in training she’s starting to show promise and is eager to prove herself in her first match.


My good friend @SchulzWorld and I had been discussing me adding a wrestler to his BMA league. After having fun with Deena in @Dxc2005 ‘s world and with @Curia-DD , I decided to give it a go, first creating rookie wrestler Catrin and then sports agent Lou.

Schulz introduced Lou in a fun and interesting new collage format over on his page, please go check it out!

And here’s a little more about Lou from my page:
Introducing Sports Agent Lou Pryce


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give @SchulzWorld a look on his DA page and other links.

@SchulzWorld specializes in Bondage, Damsels in Distress, Wrestling, and Cops and Criminals.

His gallery is full of beautiful buxom women – and he brings them together in sexy and dramatic ways.

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!

Thanks to all of you, 2023 was my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

Deena vs. Denise – Deena Victorious (SS#18)

Artwork by Denise (Curia-DD)

Deena adjusted her hold on Denise and lifted her into an arched overhead shoulder press.

Driven by the shouts of the crowd and a surge of adrenaline, Deena felt stronger and bolder than ever – this was her moment to shine!

Slowly, carefully, Deena balanced Denise at shoulder level before smoothly thrusting Denise upward.

The curvaceous and beautiful blonde’s body arched over Deena’s head, her arms and legs dangling lifelessly to either side.

Denise’s generous chest and firm muscles were prominently featured high above the mat, with the perspiration on her bare abdomen glistening in the spotlights.

Deena looked around, beaming, soaking in the crowd’s applause and approval.

                 ‘I might not get a moment like this ever again…’


First post in the series:


I was SO excited to find out that the lovely and talented Denise had drawn me in the 2023 Secret Santa drawing by @Rob66  This image is the 18th and final image in a series that she created.

Yes, she did 18 images for a secret santa gift!?!?!?!!! 

Only a truly awesome and generous person would do something like that!

Keep an eye on both our pages for follow up images!! Please go check out her page for more of her work!

And thank you SO MUCH Denise for this new vision of Deena! Let’s GOOOOO!!!


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!

Thanks to all of you, 2023 was my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Deena vs. Denise – Denise Hoisted (SS#17)

Artwork by Denise (Curia-DD)

Deena tossed Denise over her shoulder and turned in a slow circle for all the crowd to see.

Driven by adrenaline and the roar of the fans, Deena could barely feel the weight of her vanquished opponent.

The gorgeous and curvaceous blonde was draped over Deena’s shoulders, her head and arms dangling limply behind Deena’s back.
Deena held Denise’s thighs tightly to keep her balanced, her rear upturned and legs splayed for all to see.

            And then, Deena had one more idea to make her celebration complete…


First post in the series:


I was SO excited to find out that the lovely and talented Denise had drawn me in the 2023 Secret Santa drawing by @Rob66  This image is the 17th of 18 in a series that she created.

Yes, she did 18 images for a secret santa gift!?!?!?!!! 

Only a truly awesome and generous person would do something like that!

Keep an eye on both our pages for follow up images!! Please go check out her page for more of her work!

And thank you SO MUCH Denise for this new vision of Deena! Let’s GOOOOO!!!


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!

Thanks to all of you, 2023 was my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Deena vs. Denise – Denise Dragged (SS#16)

Artwork by Denise (Curia-DD)

In a deliberately dominant move, Deena grabbed a fistful of Denise’s hair and dragged her before the cameras.

She knew the crowd – particularly the men in the crowd – would love to see a little hair-pulling in a girl-fight.

Deena lifted the gorgeous and curvaceous blonde’s head off the mat and dragged her along behind.
She was sure that once Denise was conscious again she’d be furious to be treated in such a degrading way.

At the moment, Deena didn’t worry about that.
This was her moment to celebrate.

             And she was going to enjoy every moment of it!


First post in the series:


I was SO excited to find out that the lovely and talented Denise had drawn me in the 2023 Secret Santa drawing by @Rob66  This image is the 16th of 18 in a series that she created.

Yes, she did 18 images for a secret santa gift!?!?!?!!! 

Only a truly awesome and generous person would do something like that!

Keep an eye on both our pages for follow up images!! Please go check out her page for more of her work!

And thank you SO MUCH Denise for this new vision of Deena! Let’s GOOOOO!!!


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!

Thanks to all of you, 2023 was my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Deena vs. Denise – Denise Center Stage (SS#15)

Artwork by Denise (Curia-DD)

Deena dragged Denise’s prone body and positioned her in the center of the mat.

The gorgeous and curvaceous blonde lay there spread-eagle in a most undignified position.

Deena didn’t even try to restrain her jubilant celebration.
She flexed over her unconscious opponent and pointed one finger to the ceiling.

The crowd roared and egged her on…calling for more humiliation of the defeated Denise.
Deena began to ponder what else she could do to demonstrate a little dominance of her foe…

             ‘Hmmm…what does a fan want to see from a girl-fight????’


First post in the series:


I was SO excited to find out that the lovely and talented Denise had drawn me in the 2023 Secret Santa drawing by @Rob66  This image is the 15th of 18 in a series that she created.

Yes, she did 18 images for a secret santa gift!?!?!?!!! 

Only a truly awesome and generous person would do something like that!

Keep an eye on both our pages for follow up images!! Please go check out her page for more of her work!

And thank you SO MUCH Denise for this new vision of Deena! Let’s GOOOOO!!!


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!

Thanks to all of you, 2023 was my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Deena vs. Denise – Goodnight, Denise (SS#14)

Artwork by Denise (Curia-DD)

Deena flipped Denise’s upper body the other way and dragged her limp form to the center of the mat.

She maintained her tight sleeper hold on the curvaceous blonde – just in case.

It was time for Deena to celebrate her first victory in the ring over the veteran fighter.
And to enjoy her dominance over the pretty blonde bombshell – in a very public way.

Despite the significance of the moment, Deena couldn’t keep an excited expression off her face.

             ‘Did I…did I really just do this???’


First post in the series:


I was SO excited to find out that the lovely and talented Denise had drawn me in the 2023 Secret Santa drawing by @Rob66  This image is the 13th of 18 in a series that she created.

Yes, she did 18 images for a secret santa gift!?!?!?!!! 

Only a truly awesome and generous person would do something like that!

Keep an eye on both our pages for follow up images!! Please go check out her page for more of her work!

And thank you SO MUCH Denise for this new vision of Deena! Let’s GOOOOO!!!


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!

Thanks to all of you, 2023 was my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Deena vs. Denise – Giving the Crowd What They Want (SS#13)

Artwork by Denise (Curia-DD)

Deena arched Denise backward over her hip in the knockout hold, presenting Denise’s curvy and prone body to the crowd.

Denise’s eyelids fluttered once, twice, three times…and then she went soft and limp in Deena’s arms.
The crowd erupted into whistles and catcalls as Denise’s breasts were thrust forward, the curve of her hips resting on Deena’s thigh, her long legs splayed out to the side.

That was when Deena felt she could truly feel secure in her victory – and it was time to give the crowd what they wanted.
They wanted to see Denise submissive and helpless in the arms of a victorious fighter.

Deena was eager to give them just that – for more than one reason.
She was beginning to really enjoy the dominant feeling of having a beautiful curvy girl like Denise helpless in her arms.

             ‘I could get used to this…’ she thought.


First post in the series:


I was SO excited to find out that the lovely and talented Denise had drawn me in the 2023 Secret Santa drawing by @Rob66  This image is the 13th of 18 in a series that she created.

Yes, she did 18 images for a secret santa gift!?!?!?!!! 

Only a truly awesome and generous person would do something like that!

Keep an eye on both our pages for follow up images!! Please go check out her page for more of her work!

And thank you SO MUCH Denise for this new vision of Deena! Let’s GOOOOO!!!

Special thanks to @rtashkin5 for their expert advice on wrestling terminology!


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!

Thanks to all of you, 2023 was my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.
