Evie Says: ‘Don’t Wait Up!’ – QBTuesday #80

Artwork by ArtOfVenus

Would Evie really flirt with one of their orc captors just to get out of chores?

Slave girls in the orc camp are considered ‘free use’ for their captors whenever the urge strikes – even when the slaves are supposed to be on work details.

Kara’s pretty sure Evie is teasing and flashing the guards just to avoid the menial labor – which means Kara always gets stuck doing double work!

And Evie’s not exactly subtle about it – giggling and calling out, “don’t wait up!” as she’s carried away…


I’m sure all you creative kinksters out there can come up with an even BETTER caption than mine above.

SHOW ME! Add your caption in the comments below and I’ll give a shoutout to my favorites on the next post!

Today’s post is the 80th of my series,”Quick Bites Tuesday” from a conversation with CallMePlisskin years ago. MASSIVE thank you to my artist partners who have collaborated with me on this series!!


Last week, there were a few captions that could have been winners! I enjoyed this one by @jonut21 with his usual saucy and humorous innuendo:

Agent Katie: Fembot Assimilation - QB Tuesday #79

Fembot: “Why the apprehension? Clearly I’m not the first mechanical device to be inside you.” Katie: “I’m just concerned with you putting the ‘Ass’ in ‘Assimilate.'”


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give ArtOfVenus a look at Patreon and/or SubscribeStar.

He’s definitely worthy of your subscription budget. Here is his LinkTree:  linktr.ee/artofvenus

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year! Let’s make this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


KarVie – Oh My, He’s a Big Boy! – QBTuesday #77

Artwork by ArtOfVenus

Kara glanced up from her position on all fours to see the massive cock of a pigman guard at her eye level.

Kara heard Lady Eva’s voice from above her: “Kara, I’d like you to meet Grudo. He’s the winner of ‘guard of the month’ among the pigmen. And he chose YOU as his reward.”

Evie gasped: “Oh my, he’s a big boy, isn’t he, Kara?”

Lady Eva’s voice was direct: “Reward him well, Kara.”

Kara gulped: “As you command, Mistress.”


I’m sure all you creative kinksters out there can come up with an even BETTER caption than mine above.

SHOW ME! Add your caption in the comments below and I’ll give a shoutout to my favorites on the next post!

Today’s post is the 76th of my series, “Quick Bites Tuesday” from a conversation with CallMePlisskin years ago.

MASSIVE thank you to my artist partners who have collaborated with me on this series!!


Last week, the question was: ‘Do You Smoke After Sex?’

My awesome friend @Rob66 delivered the most fitting answer: “Wanna find out with me?”

Agent K: Do You Smoke After Sex? - QB Tuesday #76


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give ArtOfVenus a look at Patreon and/or SubscribeStar.

He’s definitely worthy of your subscription budget. Here is his LinkTree:  linktr.ee/artofvenus

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year! Let’s make this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Sunday Artist Spotlight Series #12 – Zoinkyikes67

Artwork by zoinkyikes67

Image and more at WordPress link


Agent Katie is a naked and collared prisoner in the series ‘Slave’ by zoinkyikes67

Sunday Artist Spotlight Series #12 – zoinkyikes67

How about some SASS for your Sunday? (Yeah, you know me…always bringing the SASS!) Today is the twelfth in my intermittent series where I feature images from one of my artist friends. I haven’t done one in quite a while, and doing this one on Zoinkyikes is WAY overdue!

Today’s spotlight is on @zoinkyikes67, a creative guy who tells fun stories through his artwork. He’s done a few series with Agent Katie and his current is simply called ‘Slave,’ one in which Agent Katie is captured by Agent Red, delivered to a Hutt, assigned to an evil green Sith woman, and tormented for information. Here are some favorite images:

Slave 5
Slave 13
Slave 33

PLEASE go check out his work and show him some love!


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!  

Thanks to all of you, 2023 was my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

Kara and Evie: Negotiating Safe Passage

Artwork by ArtOfVenus

Kara and Evie had to negotiate ‘safe passage’ through goblin lands for an important mission.

The Pygmy Goblins turned out to be more formidable ‘negotiators’ than they expected…


“So this humanitarian mission…” Evie asked, “means we’re not getting paid for this?”

“It’s for the greater good.” Kara replied firmly. “That’s what humanitarian means.”

“And the only way to make the medicine is from the extract of a specific mushroom?”

“That’s what the alchemist said, Eves. The medicine will help hundreds of infected people.”

“I know…” Evie nodded. “But seriously, the only place the mushroom grows is in a cave deep in Pygmy Goblin territory? Every time we venture into the goblinoid lands, we end up passed around like party favors in a greenskin gang-bang.”

“Well…” Kara mused. “We can’t let all those sick people down. We’ll have to try and negotiate for safe passage through the goblin lands.”

“Really, Kara?” Evie scoffed. “You think you can negotiate with a bunch of depraved and horny gobbos? Those cretins are just walking cocks with bad attitudes.”

“We have to try.” Kara frowned. “Hundreds of people are counting on us. Besides,” she said, “every creature will negotiate for something. We just have to figure out something they want.”



“Excellent negotiations, Kara…” Evie sneered. “I guess you figured out something they want.”

“Oh hush,” Kara grumbled. “We made it, didn’t we? We’re here in the cave with the mushrooms for the medicine, aren’t we? Chains and a little nakedness is a small price to pay these four little guys for safe passage. Besides, it’s not like you’re not used to being collared and naked.”

“Yeah,” Evie agreed. She shot a nervous glance back at all the additional goblins falling in line behind them. “I wish you’d been more specific on the definition of ‘safe passage’ though.” 


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give ArtOfVenus a look at Patreon and/or SubscribeStar.

He’s definitely worthy of your subscription budget. Here is his LinkTree:  linktr.ee/artofvenus

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year! Let’s make this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Send in the Clones – Ms. Brooks Claims Agent Katie

Art by Jonut21

Seductive and dominant executive assistant Ms. Erica Brooks takes possession of Agent Katie after she’s replaced by clones!

Since Agent Katie refused to serve the Big Boss ‘The Game Master,’ he created two clones who would obey and serve him unconditionally.


Then, since Agent Katie was no longer necessary for his plans, The Game Master gave Agent Katie to Ms. Brooks as a submissive pet.

(Wow, talk about a nice Christmas bonus!!! Better than the ‘Jelly of the Month Club’ – though both do jiggle nicely.)

Ms. Brooks wasted no time stripping down Agent Katie, getting her into a collar and chains, and leading her off to her personal ‘game room.’


Erica Brooks and The Game Master / Eric B. are the OCs of @shnoogums5060 and were included in a Secret Santa story I wrote for them.

My awesome partner in creative hijinks @jonut21 loved the story so much he was inspired to draw the penultimate scene.

I absolutely love it, and I hope @shnoogums5060 likes Jonut’s interpretation of Ms. Brooks, too!

You can read the original story at the link here:

Agent Katie vs. The Game Master -SS gift by KatieD


Huge thanks to my friend @jonut21 for this fun artwork!

I’m flattered that my stories can inspire his artwork, and I’m grateful for our collaborations!

Go check him out on his DA page for lots of fun scenes and more artwork with his minions.

And lots more of his Agent Katie work is in HIS gallery on my DA page: 


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year!  

Thanks to all of you, 2023 was my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

KarVie – Auction Bound – QB Tuesday #60

Artwork by ArtOfVenus

The plan WAS for Kara and Evie to be inconspicuous and blend in among the peasant girls in the orcs’ spoils of war.

But Evie’s optimistic chatter revealed their ruse, and soon KarVie were headed to the special auction for captured warriors.


Evie: “I’m telling you, Kara, these stupid orcs can’t tell the difference between a barmaid and a badass warrior. They won’t even bother tying us up if they think we’re harmless. We can just walk right in to the fortress past the clueless guards, easy-peasy.”

Orc guard: “You do realize I speak your language fluently, right? I majored in ‘Human Resources’ at Alabama.”

Evie: “Oh, I’m sorry…I’ll speak more slowly and use smaller words.”

Kara: “Dammit, Eves…”


I’m sure all you creative kinksters out there can come up with an even BETTER caption than mine above.

SHOW ME! Add your caption in the comments below and I’ll give a shoutout to my favorites on the next post!


Today’s post is the 60th – of my series, “Quick Bites Tuesday.”

The original series idea from @CallMePlisskin has helped to ensure 2023 is MY BEST YEAR EVER!

We’re also now up to 318 DAYS of consecutive daily posts – CLOSING IN ON A FULL YEAR.

MASSIVE thank you to my artist partners who have collaborated with me on this series!!

I’m very grateful to you.  #Gratitude2023


In last week’s caption contest, regular contributor @a1rgos came up with a little cheer that had me laughing:

“Ready? OK!”
“Tie me up, tie me down, rip off all my clothes!”
“Spank me, tickle me, suck on all my toes!”


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give @PerilousV a look at Patreon and/or SubscribeStar.

He’s definitely worthy of your subscription budget. Here is his LinkTree:  linktr.ee/artofvenus

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! Thank you for making 2023 the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Agent Katie Reindeer Games – ON, Vixen!

Art by Jonut21

Image and more at WordPress link

Art by Jonut21 Go check out his page!


When the Greeblies and other minions from Jonut21 invited Agent Katie to play ‘reindeer games,’ she should have been suspicious.

Very, very, very suspicious…

Knowing how playful the Greeblies are, Agent Katie really didn’t mind modeling the form-fitting micro-fleece reindeer suit for them. It seemed like a cute fun idea at the time.

She actually thought the jingle-bell collar with her initial on the pendant was a sweet gift. And the matching wrist and ankle cuffs and waist-belt were fun to jingle.

And a candy-cane striped bit gag? These guys were being so clever with the theme! She did think the antlers were a bit of a stretch, but they were so happy, she went along with it.

It wasn’t until the sleigh harnesses were hooked to her belt and the reins were attached to her bit that she began to feel a little uneasy. And that was BEFORE the grinning Greeblie produced the buggy whip!  

OWW! That little cracker on the end of the thong stung (and made quite the snappy noise).

                “ON, VIXEN!” they ordered…

And just like that, they had a VERY kinky sexy fun Christmas card to share with all their fellow minions.


Kicking off Christmas-themed images with the very first one I received, this kinky sexy fun image from my awesome friend @jonut21 

THANK YOU, my friend. I am so grateful for your friendship our fun banter, and awesome collaborations.

Go check him out on his DA page for lots of fun scenes and more artwork with his minions.

And lots more of his Agent Katie work is in HIS gallery on my DA page: 


And lots more of his Agent Katie work is in HIS gallery on my DA page: 


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!  Thanks to all of you, 2023 is my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

Agent Katie and Loud Tentacle Trap – QBTuesday #58

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

Naked and afraid, Agent Katie and Loud embraced and shied away from the tentacles’ relentless assault.

They could only imagine what the groping and probing tendrils intended to do to their vulnerable and quivering flesh.

Unfortunately the two helpless damsels already knew the answer: 

        …the tentacles would do anything and everything they chose, and the distressed pair could do absolutely nothing to stop them…


I’m sure all you creative kinksters out there can come up with an even BETTER caption than mine above.

SHOW ME! Add your caption in the comments below and I’ll give a shoutout to my favorites on the next post!


Today’s post is the 58th – over a FULL YEAR – of my series, “Quick Bites Tuesday.”

The original series idea from @CallMePlisskin has helped to ensure 2023 is MY BEST YEAR EVER!

We’re also now up to 304 DAYS of consecutive daily posts – MORE THAN 3/4 OF A YEAR!

MASSIVE thank you to my artist partners who have collaborated with me on this series!!

I’m very grateful to you.  #Gratitude2023


In last week’s caption contest, my good friend Rob66 crafted this creative line:

Move over Linda Blair and Brigitte Nielsen! Starring in Chained Heat III is Agent Katie — 

    “What she did to get into prison is nothing compared with what she’ll do to get out.”


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give Alucard’s Spirit a look on his DA page or other links

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!  Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Agent Katie Ready for her Closeup – QBTuesday #57

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

Agent Katie had been kept naked, collared and chained underground for days – maybe weeks.

Often she was led through tunnels to a makeshift movie set to perform for her new owner’s perverse desires.

She blinked in the bright light as the movie director entered her room once again.

“Agent Katie…” he smirked. “Are you ready for your closeup?”

This scene loosely follows these prior posts:

I’m sure all you creative kinksters out there can come up with an even BETTER caption than mine above.

SHOW ME! Add your caption in the comments below and I’ll give a shoutout to my favorites on the next post!


Today’s post is the 57th – over a FULL YEAR – of my series, “Quick Bites Tuesday.”

The original series idea from @CallMePlisskin has helped to ensure 2023 is MY BEST YEAR EVER!

We’re also now up to 297 DAYS of consecutive daily posts – MORE THAN 3/4 OF A YEAR!

MASSIVE thank you to my artist partners who have collaborated with me on this series!!

I’m very grateful to you.  #Gratitude2023


In last week’s caption contest celebrating my birthday and Evie’s, my friend @MrArgent had this snappy line:

“This cake has a cream filling — and soon you will too!”


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give @AlucardsSpirit a look on his DA page or other links.

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!  Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Evie Punishment Break Birthday Cake – QB Tuesday #56

Artwork by ArtOfVenus

Evie gets a brief birthday respite from torment, just long enough to enjoy some cake from Dungeon Keeper Flickwit.

“Eat up, blondie, so’s we kin chain yer wrist ‘gain…then we’s gonna eat th’ rest o’ dis frostin’ off yer bewbs!”


MASSIVE thank you to my great friend and collaboration partner PerilousV for this wonderful birthday gift artwork!

Thank you, my friend!  I appreciate you and I’m grateful for our partnership and your friendship.


I’m sure all you creative kinksters out there can come up with an even BETTER caption than mine above.

SHOW ME! Add your caption in the comments below and I’ll give a shoutout to my favorites on the next post!


Today’s post is the 56th – over a FULL YEAR – of my series, “Quick Bites Tuesday.”

The original series idea from @CallMePlisskin has helped to ensure 2023 is MY BEST YEAR EVER!

We’re also now up to 290 DAYS of consecutive daily posts – MORE THAN 3/4 OF A YEAR!

MASSIVE thank you to my artist partners who have collaborated with me on this series!!

I’m very grateful to you.  #Gratitude2023


In last week’s caption contest, there were a few really awesome and hilarious ones and I recommend you check them out.

The most incredible response though was a full vignette by talented writer ComradeAlt describing Lady Eva’s reaction when she realized her prize pets were in the hands of the pigmen! It will be worth your time to go read it!


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give ArtOfVenus a look at Patreon and/or SubscribeStar.

He’s definitely worthy of your subscription budget. Sadly, he is no longer on DA but here is his LinkTree:  linktr.ee/artofvenus

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! Thank you for making 2023 the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.
