Evie Says: ‘Don’t Wait Up!’ – QBTuesday #80

Artwork by ArtOfVenus

Would Evie really flirt with one of their orc captors just to get out of chores?

Slave girls in the orc camp are considered ‘free use’ for their captors whenever the urge strikes – even when the slaves are supposed to be on work details.

Kara’s pretty sure Evie is teasing and flashing the guards just to avoid the menial labor – which means Kara always gets stuck doing double work!

And Evie’s not exactly subtle about it – giggling and calling out, “don’t wait up!” as she’s carried away…


I’m sure all you creative kinksters out there can come up with an even BETTER caption than mine above.

SHOW ME! Add your caption in the comments below and I’ll give a shoutout to my favorites on the next post!

Today’s post is the 80th of my series,”Quick Bites Tuesday” from a conversation with CallMePlisskin years ago. MASSIVE thank you to my artist partners who have collaborated with me on this series!!


Last week, there were a few captions that could have been winners! I enjoyed this one by @jonut21 with his usual saucy and humorous innuendo:

Agent Katie: Fembot Assimilation - QB Tuesday #79

Fembot: “Why the apprehension? Clearly I’m not the first mechanical device to be inside you.” Katie: “I’m just concerned with you putting the ‘Ass’ in ‘Assimilate.'”


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give ArtOfVenus a look at Patreon and/or SubscribeStar.

He’s definitely worthy of your subscription budget. Here is his LinkTree:  linktr.ee/artofvenus

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2024 <–my mantra for the new year! Let’s make this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Throwback Thursday – Mars Attacks Katie!

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

A girls’ night out of club-hopping got rudely interrupted when alien creepies descend upon the city.

The S.P.A.N.K. Agency has long known that Mars Needs Women (and Moms, apparently) – and now Mars wants Katie and her fellow agents!


The tenuous treaties that the Agents of S.P.A.N.K. have with the Space Toads of Abrexia-9 aren’t the only fragile agreements they have with aliens.

In ultra-classified negotiations with < redacted > carried out by < redacted > conceding < redacted > during the spring of < redacted >, the Agency established a peaceful coexistence with < redacted >.

Trust us, it was all legit and ratified and didn’t make any concessions on the number of human females the Martians were allowed to take annually.


Well, it seems the Martians have grown dissatisfied with their annual ‘bag limits,’ which totally don’t exist, according to < redacted >.

And they figured the best way to get out of the treaty was to start by taking the Agency’s own agents first!

So while Agent Katie and her friends were making their way from one nightclub to another in the city center, the aliens ambushed the girls.

The timing was actually pretty well planned – I mean, have you ever tried running from aliens on pavement in stiletto heels??

Agent Katie barely escaped a half-dozen grabby hands that left her clothes torn and tattered – at one point a Martian had her arm pinned while another tried to slip a glowy control collar on her.
She desperately lashed out and clunked their heads together – shattering their helmets and leaving them gasping for breath!

Her friends were not as lucky, though – they were taken – and some onlookers were flash-fried with a strange green ray!

Agent Katie watched angrily from behind a bridge pillar as her friends were restrained, collared, leashed and led away.

The ‘smart’ thing would have been to hide or run away and get help.

But Agent Katie couldn’t let her friends be taken without a fight – plus, she’s not known for always doing the ‘smart’ thing.

It was time to start bashing in some big-brained alien heads!!

            (you may wanna grab a chair and some popcorn for this)


Welcome to the seventh episode of ‘Throwback Thursday!’ and our homage to ‘Mars Attacks.’

Alucard and I hope you’ve enjoyed this bit of 80’s and 90’s cheesy B-Movie nostalgia.

All the previous episodes are saved in a Gallery on my home page:

‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon,’ ‘Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity,’ ‘Barbarian Queen,’ ‘Earth Girls are Easy,’ ‘Barb Wire’ and ‘Night Trap.’

Alucard’s Spirit and I hope you’ve enjoyed this bit of 80’s and 90’s cheesy B-Movie nostalgia.

All the previous episodes are saved in a Gallery on my home page:

‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon,’ ‘Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity,’ ‘Barbarian Queen,’ ‘Earth Girls are Easy’ and ‘Barb Wire.’

Here are links to a few, but check out the new gallery for the rest!

KatieD’s Throwback Thursday Gallery

No promises, but do you have any suggestions for next week’s Throwback Thursday??


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! 

Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Throwback Thursday – Katie Night Trapped!

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

Agent Katie had dismissed reports that the Augers from the Night Trap game were real…

Now, as three of them break into her house and grab her, she’s going to learn the hard way!


Over the years since the classic 90s Night Trap Sega game came out, Agent Katie had heard the rumors and read dozens of case files. Many people believed that the Augers were real, and still hunting victims today.

There were reports in the Agents of S.P.A.N.K. files that claimed the Augers were vampiric creatures that nabbed human subjects and brought them back to their nests to feed from them.

To make the reports even more salacious, some claimed the Augers were under orders from a shadowy leader to bring back sexy human females – so their leader could do more than just feed from them!

Some of the most outrageous reports asserted that they kept their victims alive indefinitely, slowly feeding from them until the victims were transformed into Augers themselves – and were then sent out to bring back more victims!

Agent Katie of course was skeptical. Some of the stories and lore just defied belief!

(and this is from an agent familiar with Space Toads, Froglins, Boglins, Lizard-Men, tentacle monsters, orcs, ogres…you get the idea!)

Well, now it seems that their existence is no longer in doubt.

And now she’s going to learn if all those other frightening aspects of their lore are also true!


The full HD image without the ‘game screen’ is posted on the AoS Discord server…here’s a crop of it.

If you’d like to see it, and hang out with 100+ really fun and awesome peeps, PM me for an invite!


Welcome to the sixth episode of ‘Throwback Thursday!’ and our homage to ‘Night Trap.’

Alucard’s Spirit and I hope you’ve enjoyed this bit of 80’s and 90’s cheesy B-Movie nostalgia.

All the previous episodes are saved in a Gallery on my home page:

‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon,’ ‘Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity,’ ‘Barbarian Queen,’ ‘Earth Girls are Easy’ and ‘Barb Wire.’

Here are links to a few, but check out the new gallery for the rest!

KatieD’s Throwback Thursday Gallery

No promises, but do you have any suggestions for next week’s Throwback Thursday??


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!  #Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! 

Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Throwback Thursday – ‘Barb Wire’ Katie

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

Agent ‘Barb Wire’ Katie fights her way into the junkyard to rescue Dr. Cora and confront Big Boss Fatso.

Will she be able to get Dr. Cora and herself out safely?

Or will she end up on her knees in Big Fatso’s office as his collared pleasure slave?


You really can’t blame Big Boss Fatso for wanting to lure Agent Katie into his trap.

Ever since he saw her perform an erotic striptease down at the Hammerhead nightclub, he’s been a little obsessed with her.

Perhaps Agent Katie shouldn’t have tempted Big Fatso with such a personalized and sensual lapdance.

She definitely shouldn’t have pretended to be cuffed and gagged while grinding on him.

Perhaps she knew what she was doing, imprinting decadent desires to get into his head.

Or – and this may be more likely – once she started having fun, she let loose to have some fun!

Whatever the reason, Big Boss Fatso has a raging hard-on for the curvy blonde agent…

…and he’s going to do whatever it takes to get her in his possession!


Here’s a little crop of a pinup test image Alucard did…I have the pinup posted on the AoS Discord Server.


Welcome to the fifth episode of ‘Throwback Thursday!’ and our homage to ‘Barb Wire.’

Alucard and I hope you’ve enjoyed this bit of 80’s and 90’s cheesy B-Movie nostalgia.

Here are some previous episodes, from ‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon,’ ‘Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity,’ ‘Barbarian Queen’ and ‘Earth Girls are Easy.’

No promises, but do you have any suggestions for next week’s Throwback Thursday??


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!  #Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! 

Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Throwback Thursday – Earth Katies Are Easy!

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

Aliens say Earth Girls are Easy…and they like to joke that Agent Katie is one of the easiest!!!

This particular Jhazallan heard those rumors and decided that he just had to find out for himself.


At first the alien wasn’t sure what to make of this shapely, blonde-maned ‘hairless ape,’ but he was curious and bold enough to find her and snatch her away so he could learn ‘everything there is to learn’ about her.

He surprised Agent Katie as she sunbathed at her friend’s condo, and when she fainted due to his mind powers, he scooped her up to take her for further ‘examination.’

Will this curious alien creature claim Agent Katie for himself and make her his personal human pet?  After all, it gets awfully lonely and boring on those long interstellar voyages.

Or will his ‘reportedly’ long and dexterous tongue tame the sexy agent and make her subservient to him in other ways?

And which of her friends or fellow agents will she introduce to his alien crew still in orbit above?


Welcome to the fourth episode of ‘Throwback Thursday!’ and our homage to ‘Earth Girls are Easy.’

Alucard and I hope you’ve enjoyed this bit of 80’s cheesy B-Movie nostalgia.

Here are some previous episodes, from ‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon,’ ‘Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity,’ and ‘Barbarian Queen.’

No promises, but do you have any suggestions for next week’s Throwback Thursday??


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give @AlucardsSpirit  a look on his DA page or other links.

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!  #Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! 

Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Throwback Thursday: Katie as Barbarian Queen in 4KHD

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

Barbarian Queen Katie fights her way INTO the evil warlord’s dungeon to rescue her little sister and captured fellow warrior women. 

Now what could possibly go wrong with such a rash and ill-advised plan?

(I think Agent Katie might actually be curious about that silver hand torture device thingie with the pointy needle on the end??)

And hey, if she has to wrap her thighs around a sadistic interrogator or two, well…

That’s just the kind of sacrifice that needs to be made!


Welcome to the third episode of ‘Throwback Thursday!’ and our homage to ‘Barbarian Queen.’

Alucard and I hope you’ve enjoyed this bit of 80’s cheesy B-Movie nostalgia.

Here are some previous episodes, from ‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon’ and ‘Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity.’

No promises, but do you have any suggestions for next week’s Throwback Thursday??


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give @AlucardsSpirit  a look on his DA page or other links.

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!  #Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! 

Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Catsuit Crew Captive pt9 – The Proposal

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

The Distracting Blondes have been recaptured and are again being tormented by Countessa! 

Now what does the devilish dominatrix of I-PRUDE have planned for them now?

Our story thus far:

Agent Katie investigated the Catsuit Crew and tried to rescue her former recruit – who had been brainwashed by the Crew. She was captured and taken by Countessa of I-PRUDE to the ‘mind-molder.’ After reconditioning and other kinky sexy fun torments, she was presented with a test of obedience and ordered to torture another Agent of S.P.A.N.K. Susan Chambers. She resisted her conditioning and Katie and Susan escaped…until they fell into an inescapable slime pit!

Not essential, but I recommend checking out parts 1-7 first:


2. Catsuit Crew Captive pt2 (art by Alucard)

3. Catsuit Crew Captive pt3 (art by Alucard)

4. Catsuit Crew Captive pt4 (art by Alucard)

5. Catsuit Crew Captive pt5 – Loyalty Test

6. Catsuit Crew Captive pt6 – Escaping Blondes

7. Catsuit Crew Captive pt7 – Pit Fall Trap



Grudgingly, Susan and I submitted to Countessa’s command and surrendered. I hung my head in humiliation as we were lifted from the slime pit, and we were once again restrained by the catsuited agents of I-PRUDE. 

All the beautiful young agents taunted and derided us while we had the slime hosed off our naked bodies – but nothing was as degrading as the smug look on Countessa’s face. She had us gagged, so we couldn’t even offer any witty replies or defiant declarations.

Susan and I were fitted with electronic control collars, ones that crackled with energy every time I moved – encouraging us to stay as still as possible. Not only did they sizzle and shock us, but I could feel the pull of the mind-molder technology, much like when I was strapped to that infernal chair…numbing my will and making me more submissive.

We were becoming weaker by the moment, so we offered only token resistance while we were loaded into a futuristic-looking restraint device Countessa referred to as ‘the gyro.’ Our hands and feet were encased in shiny globes that locked around our wrists and ankles. Then they, too were energized, sizzling with energy as they moved around the circular gyro frame to keep us in a spreadeagle position.

Just when we thought our humiliation and degradation couldn’t get much worse, a catsuited crew came in with hi-tech cameras and other computer equipment. They began setting up to broadcast our predicament live on the internet – probably back to S.P.A.N.K. Headquarters in order to make some ridiculous demands of our senior leadership team.

Countessa took a prominent spot before the cameras with us our predicament behind her. After primping and preparing herself for a moment, she took a deep breath to compose herself and motioned that she was ready to go live.

When her broadcast started, though, she wasn’t addressing our bosses back at S.P.A.N.K. HQ. She was actually speaking live to a broad spectrum of villains and criminal elements around the world! After introducing Susan and me, she allowed the cameras to zoom in on us rather intimately while she tormented us with the control collars.

Countessa spoke directly into the cameras, encouraging her consortium of criminals to send in suggestions of what THEY would like to see happen to us – and allowing them to bid on the outcome they desired. Almost immediately her cell phone began ringing and she fielded calls from her associates making suggestions and placing bids on our fate.

The suggestions ranged from predictable scenes of torture and humiliation to more extreme suggestions of being made into pleasure slaves or being fed to a variety of monsters! We couldn’t hear all of the suggestions, but Countessa occasionally turned toward us and shared the more salacious details of the villains’ requests.

“Oh, that’s interesting,” I heard Countessa say. “If you and your friends can gather enough financing, I am sure I can make that happen.” She listened carefullly to the caller for a moment longer, and answered with: “Yes, wonderful…we have a deal.”

Countessa turned toward Susan and me with a broad grin on her face and winked, then returned to the cameras. “We have a decision,” she said with a happy glimmer in her eyes. “We shall have a contest…a very special contest…” She kept pausing for greater effect. “Our captives will participate in a gladiatrix event of sorts…”

“And streamed live for your entertainment…” she purred, “They will fight, to the death!”


Will our intrepid (and sexy AF) agents really be forced to fight each other…and what will happen if they refuse?

This sexy kinky fun times image is from my friend and collaborator @AlucardsSpirit 

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!  #Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! 

Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

And hey – this ain’t over yet – look for part 10 soon!


K8-Erella, Cosmic Crusader – Slimed in Space!

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

They say in space, no one can hear you cum…

By the time this space-slime is done with K8-Erella, that saying may be put to the test!


It’s been almost a year since we’ve shown you anything from K8-Erella, Cosmic Crusader of Cosmic Crusader Command.

Here was her first introduction:

And now, here’s a new episode in her quest to keep space safe and sexy!


K8-Erella was on routine patrol when a supply ship drifted into her sector. A scan showed that there were life forms aboard, but the engines were cold and the ship was on emergency power. Repeated hails of the spaceship yielded no response from the all-female crew.

“Command, this is Crusader K8-Erella. I have a disabled craft on screen. It’s one of ours, registry shows a crew of eight Crusaders. I show eight faint life signs on board. Preparing to dock and investigate.”

Once on board the ship, K8-Erella discovered the life support systems were all functioning but the air in the ship was humid and inexplicably warm. She peeled off her spacesuit and went in search of the missing Crusaders.

The faint life signs led K8-Erella through the corridors toward the cargo area. Soft female moans of ecstasy and desire told her she was getting closer to finding her fellow Crusaders and learning their fate.

Unfortunately, K8-Erella did soon learn their fate, but not in the way she expected. Rather than rescue her comrades, she was instead destined to join them. She didn’t notice the tendrils that clutched at her wrists and ankles, snaring her limbs and rendering her immobile, until it was far too late.

As the slowly spreading slime covered her limbs, making her flesh tingle and spreading hot waves of desire through her body, she looked up at the wriggling cocoons on the ceiling of the cargo bay – knowing that she would soon be one of them.

And as yet another orgasm roiled through her body, as she cried out in ecstasy louder than the rest of the Crusaders combined, as she gave herself over to the addictive pleasures – she wasn’t sure she cared…


This sexy kinky fun times image is from my friend and collaborator @AlucardsSpirit 

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!  #Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! 

Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Slaves Katie and Susan from Beyond Infinity

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

“Screw you, Zed! You’ve pushed us too far now!”

Agent Katie fired off several more rounds at the dark-haired man clad all in black.

“Whatever do you mean, my lovely prey?” the suave-looking man called back.

“We tolerated your smarmy seduction scene in your tight pants back at your fortress,” Agent Katie continued. “Honestly, I’m not even that pissed that you drugged us, chained us up, and then had your way with us for hours. I kind of expected that when we crashed on your planet.”

“And then you let us loose in the jungle so you and your creatures can hunt us?” Susan added. “Gotta say, ‘been there, done that,’ man. You’re blatantly ripping off the plot of ‘The Most Dangerous Game.’ Totally unoriginal.”

“Ok…” Zed shouted from behind a large tree. “So what are you so angry about then?”

“It’s these awful rabbit-skin slave-girl bikinis!” Agent Katie retorted. “Do you have any idea how uncomfortable they are? Or how degrading it is that you dressed us in them while we were unconscious?”

“Not only that,” Susan shouted. “We’ve already been wearing them for months on the slave ship…you could have at least washed them for us!”


Welcome to the second episode of ‘Throwback Thursday!’ and our homage to ‘Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity.’

Alucard and I hope you’ve enjoyed this bit of 80’s cheesy B-Movie nostalgia.

Here was last week’s first episode, from ‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon.’

No promises, but do you have any suggestions for next week’s Throwback Thursday??


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give @AlucardsSpirit  a look on his DA page or other links.

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!  #Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! 

Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Agent Katie – Vacation to the Black Lagoon

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

“GAAARRRHH!” The creature growled. “You mine! Me take you back to lair and mate you.”

“NO! Please don’t!!” Agent Katie squealed. “I can’t get my hair wet! I just had it done!”

“Wait…you hair is only worry?” the Gill-Man asked in surprise. “Me said, me chain you up and mate you in lair.”

“Sure, sure,” Agent Katie replied. “But can we get there without going underwater? This salon blowout was hella expensive.”

“Uh…okay,” the creature replied, somewhat perturbed. “But can you scream or kick or…try get away?”

“Oh yeah, sorry!” she said apologetically. “My bad!” Agent Katie began wriggling and trying to squirm out of his grip, nearly having a wardrobe malfunction with her teeny white bikini.

“EEEK! HELP! I’m being taken by a fish-man thingie…for…nefarious purposes!” she cried.

“Sheesh…” the Gill-Man grumbled, scooping up the writhing blonde and tossing her over his shoulder. “Maybe better when they just faint.”


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give @AlucardsSpirit  a look on his DA page or other links.

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!  #Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! 

Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.
