Agent Katie – Led Through Tunnels Underground

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

Stripped naked, collared and leashed, gagged and bound, Agent Katie is led through underground tunnels.

Having already been used in a recruitment video for prospective villains, her captors now have plans for her elsewhere.


This scene loosely follows this post from last week:

Agent Katie woke with a pounding headache – and Agent Penelope EnglishDamsel was nowhere to be seen.

The next thing she noticed was that all her lovely white lingerie had been stripped away and she was completely naked.

Then she realized was that her wrists were once again tied behind her with thick rope.

Agent Katie worked herself into a sitting position on the cold hard floor and leaned against a rough-hewn stone wall.

It seemed she was still underground somwhere –  the room was dark and had a clammy damp atmosphere.

Before she could collect her thoughts the single heavy door opened and a burly handsome man stepped in.

“Oh good, you’re awake,” he said as he approached without making eye contact. “They’re already waiting for you.”

“Be still,” he continued while holding up a shiny silver ring with a thin chain attached.

Agent Katie heard a solid click as the smooth rounded collar clasped shut around her neck.

Then the man grasped her upper arms and dragged her to her feet. 

“Let’s get going,” he commanded with a tug on the chain lead affixed to the collar.

“Where are you taking me? What’s going on? Has my agency negotiated my release?”

“I don’t know nothing about that,” he replied, leading her through the door. “You been traded to another group.”

“Traded?” Agent Katie exclaimed, surprise and alarm evident in her voice. “Traded? To who? For what?”

She stopped short in the narrow tunnel, causing the chain to go taut and yank against her neck.

“Look,” her captor said, aggravation in his tone. He grabbed her bicep and propelled her forward again.
“Those are things you don’t need to know, and honestly?” he paused and glanced at her.
“They’re things you probably don’t want to know, either. Just keep quiet and keep moving.”

“Well, what happened to Agent Penelope?” Agent Katie continued, ignoring the command. “I want to know she’s okay.”

“HUSH!” her captor hissed, squeezing her arm until she winced. “I don’t have time for this.”

Agent Katie wasn’t going to be so easily deterred. “Where’s the video director?” He said he still needed me!”

“Alright, that’s enough!” the captor exclaimed, clearly exasperated. “I told you to shut up and keep moving.”

He turned and bodily pinned Agent Katie against the tunnel wall and pulled out a small roll of silvery tape.

Tearing strips from the roll, he planted one strip over another until her mouth was well sealed shut.

With a firm yank on the chain, he turned and moving forward again, giving Agent Katie no choice but to follow.

“If you must know, the video director is waiting for us, along with the leader of the group you been traded to.”

“When they saw your video,” he continued, “they commissioned him to come along with you.”

He looked back over his shoulder and shot Agent Katie a wry grin.

“You’re going to be starring in a very different kind of video.”


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give @AlucardsSpirit a look on his DA page or other links.

And a shoutout also to EnglishDamsel for appearing in this fun one-off image and story.

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!  Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Our friend Venus (and his girls) need our help!

Artwork by ArtOfVenus

Just look at those poor girls shivering in the cold!

Our great friend Venus and his wife had their furnace crap out on them this week, and the northeastern winter is on it’s way. Sanaa, Kara and Mylene are shivering in the cold already!

He has an indiegogo campaign started to fundraise for his new furnace and some generous peeps have already jumped on board.

Of course he has some artwork perks to share: everyone who contributes $10 or more gets an exclusive story with images; other tiers get gumroad freebies, and the top tier includes a commissioned image from him.

Venus has been so generous with me and you’ve all been benefit of our sexy KarVie collabs and other work together, so it’s important to me that we all support him.


If you commission an image from Venus via his indiegogo tier, I will write you a 1-2 page story to go along with your commission – no additional cost, this is my way to encourage you all to go support our friend.

If not for him, or me, how about doing it for poor Kara, Sanaa and Mylene?
I’m sure those girls will be verrrrry grateful to you for helping keep them warm and snuggly this winter.

The indiegogo link is here:

And you can find more info on his DA post here:
Cold babe fundraiser

PLEASE go help these cuties get warm!


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give ArtOfVenus a look at Patreon and/or SubscribeStar.

He’s definitely worthy of your subscription budget. Sadly, he is no longer on DA but here is his LinkTree:

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! Thank you for making 2023 the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Agent Katie – Fully Armed and Operational Lab!

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

Agent Katie agreed to pose for a Pulp Cover image in order to help an artist friend.

But the other ‘actors’ in the scene sure are playing their characters’ roles seriously!!

“That’s right, Agent Katie,” the diminutive chap sneered. He’d just finished using his pliers to adjust the inclined plane to a less comfortable position. “We’s gotcha right where we’s wants ya!”

The tall gangly scientist spoke slowly and patronizingly at first: “You thought this was all just a sound stage, didn’t you?”

He scoffed. “How tediously naive..” Then his voice took on a more sinister and insidious tone:

             “Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational laboratory!”


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give @AlucardsSpirit  a look on his DA page or other links. 

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!  Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Noblewoman Deena Angers the Senator – censored crop

Artwork by DxC2005

Wealthy Roman noblewoman Deena remained defiant of the aggressive Senator threatening her.

The senator left with a parting threat, saying Deena would regret being so dismissive and smug.

Lady Deena leads a comfortable life of luxury and leisure, privilege and excess.

She has her own guards, her own servants, and a successful giantess whom she sponsors in the arena.

And she isn’t going to submit to a shakedown from some civil servant.

After the senator levied overt threats, Lady Deena scoffed at the senator’s bluster and waved her off dismissively.

She smirked and watched as the woman in red turned on her heel to leave, thinking that would be the end of it.

Deena didn’t even bother retorting to the senator’s angry threats to ‘see her taken down from her station.’

But was it wise for her to be snooty, snobby and dismissive with such a powerful member of the Roman Senate?


Note: this is a censored crop. You can see the full uncensored image here:

Noblewoman Deena Angers the Senator


My good friend and collaborator Dxc2005 is working on another epic storyline called ‘The Shadow Games’ and I’m honored that my Deena has a role in his story.  Keep your eyes out for its future release.

If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give Dxc2005 a look on his DA page or other links. 

And check out his feature length stories on his gumroad, too:

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!

Thanks to all of you, 2023 is my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Throwback Thursday #12 – Hot Vice Agents in Miami

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

Agents Katie and Cecy are cranking the tunes and revving up the fast times on the hot streets of Miami.

Lots of guys like fast cars and fast women…but how about fast women IN a fast car?

Like the original Miami Vice show, these undercover agents are hot on the trail of pimps, pushers and drug dealers.

They’re using their kinky fun times skills to infiltrate the clubs and penthouses of a nefarious cartel, who use a new APHRODISIAC to aid in their human trafficking.

Who knows what kind of seedy locales and unsavory characters they’ll have to deal with in the cartel’s world of excess – and, fairly likely – fall prey to?

Will they be able to fulfill their mission without finding themselves in a dangerous – and/or kinky – situation?

Here’s a 2nd view with a little better look at the car (but not quite as awesome a view of the agents).


Welcome to the 12th episode of ‘Throwback Thursday!’ and our homage to the 80s TV show ‘Miami Vice.’

Alucard and I hope you’ve enjoyed this bit of cheesy B-Movie and Basic Cable TV nostalgia.

All the previous episodes are saved in a Gallery on my home page:

‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon,’ ‘Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity,’ ‘Barbarian Queen,’ ‘Earth Girls are Easy,’ ‘Barb Wire,’ ‘Night Trap,’ ‘Mars Attacks,’ ‘Big Bad Wolf,’ ‘Candyman,’ ‘Weird Science,’ and ‘Silk Stalkings.’

Here are links to a few, but check out the new gallery feature below for the rest!

No promises, but do you have any suggestions for next week’s Throwback Thursday??


Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year! 

Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


CROP of S.P.A.N.K. Agents at AGENT-CON

Art by Jonut21

Image and more at WordPress link

Art by Jonut21 Go check out his page!


Agents Katie, Penelope and Cecy are invited to be the ‘guests of honor’ at ‘AGENT-CON!’

But how exactly are they supposed to sign autographs like that?!?!?

And why is it that ONLY the GREEBLIES have colored sharpies?


This is just a crop of a full size sexy image by my friend Jonut21

PLEASE go check out the full image on his DA page and all his other sexy artwork, and show him some love! 

And go visit my friends EnglishDamsel and Cecyme who are graciously sharing the stage with Agent Katie.

Why only a crop?

I don’t have a story or vignette to add to his work today, if I can’t add value I don’t want to just repost his work.

And I want you to go see the full image on his page and give him some kudos.

Plus I want to show him my #Gratitude for his support!


Huge thanks to my friend @jonut21 for this fun artwork of Agents Katie and @Cecyme 

I’m flattered that our stories can inspire his artwork, and I’m grateful for our collaborations!

Go check him out on his DA page for lots of fun scenes and more artwork with his minions.

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!  Thanks to all of you, 2023 is my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

Katie and Lexi Slave Dancers – QB Tuesday #54

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

Slave Lexi is suddenly self-conscious to be exposed and dancing sensually for the SpaceToad Sultan of Abrexia-9.

“Just relax, Lexi, you can do this…” Agent Katie reassured her.
“I don’t think I can…he is staring at me like he’s so hungry.”

“It’s ok, sweetie,” Agent Katie murmured. “Let me show you how it’s done…”


I’m sure all you creative kinksters out there can come up with an even BETTER caption than mine above.

SHOW ME! Add your caption in the comments below and I’ll give a shoutout to my favorites on the next post!


Today’s post is the 54th of a series, “Quick Bites Tuesday.”

Credit to @CallMePlisskin for the original idea for the series; it has helped to ensure 2023 is MY BEST YEAR EVER!

We’re now up to 276 DAYS of consecutive daily posts – MORE THAN 3/4 A YEAR OF DAILY POSTS!

MASSIVE thank you to my artist partners who have collaborated with me on this series!!

I’m very grateful to you.  #Gratitude2023


In last week’s caption contest, a few great comments revolved around our blonde beauties’ exercise regimen.

Here was my favorite, from Kara’s viewpoint:

“Yoga is boring, she said. I know a workout that will really get your heart rate up, she said…”


This sexy kinky fun times image is from my friend and collaborator Alucard’s Spirit 

If you enjoyed, go check out his page for even more kinky fun times!

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!  #Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!  Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.


Crop of Agent Katie Trained by her Trainee

Artwork by Cecyme

Image and more at WordPress link


A leather straitjacket was the latest humiliation Agent Cecy had for her mentor Agent Katie.

Younger trainee Agent @Cecyme Medina delighted in putting her older trainer into degrading situations.

Agent Cecy ordered Agent Katie to strip herself naked while her young protege watched and took cell phone pictures.  Then the brunette beauty commanded the older blonde to slide her arms into a straitjacket and buckled her in as tightly as she could. Cecy added clamps for her nipples and shackles for her ankles.

That is when Cecy’s fun really started…she knew Agent Katie’s black panties were already soaked, but the young trainee was going to keep tormenting her trainer until she was moaning and begging into her black ball gag.


Story begins here:

Its Thursday and Katie knows it

Even though Agent Katie is Agent Cecy’s supervisor and mentor, Agent Cecy delights in putting her trainer into compromising situations that undermine her authority and force Agent Katie into a submissive state.

And as degrading as it is for the older and more experienced Senior Agent Katie to have to submit to her subordinate protege, it also excites her to be so exposed and vulnerable – knowing that the beautiful younger agent has such power over her!


This is just a CROP of my dear friend @Cecyme ‘s artwork that she created for me.

Once again she added some very sexy prose that prompted me to add some more writing of my own.

I encourage you to go to her page @Cecyme to see the full image and more of her incredibly sexy work. 


Watch for more Agent Katie and Agent Cecy stories coming soon.


We started out with Fridays as special training days for Cecy around the Agents of S.P.A.N.K. server.

She was publicly put through her paces by agents and villains alike.

She’s such a good sport – and reacts so delightfully – and looks so good doing it!

Cecy decided that on Thursdays, I – her boss and mentor, Senior Agent Katie – should receive a similar treatment. And ever since then, she’s surprised me with sexy images every Thursday.

Cecy now has her own GALLERY on MY DA page where you can see all of our shared images.…


See previous images of Cecy dominating Agent Katie here:


Huge thanks to my sweet friend Cecyme for this steamy hot artwork.

I’m flattered that she would take time to craft this for me and I’m so grateful for her friendship!

Go check her out on her DA page for lots of fun scenes and stories – she writes great saucy prose – and more artwork with her friends.

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!  #Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!  

Thanks to all of you, 2023 is my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

Agent Katie at the Clinic for Conformity 5 (finale)

Art by Jonut21

Image and more at WordPress link

Art by Jonut21 Go check out his page!


Agent Katie’s investigation at the clinic takes a ‘totally unexpected’ turn.  😉

Well, she did insist that they ‘show’ her what was going on at the clinicnow it seems that Dr. Prodo has chosen a treatment plan for our intrepid Agent!

Not critical, you may wish to check out Agent Katie’s previous adventure first!

1. 2. 3. 4.

Previous in this one:

1. 2. 3. 4.

“Agent Katie!” Dr. Prodo crowed. “Welcome to your personalized treatment program. If you’ll just relax and submit yourself to our care, we’ll begin exploiting – I mean treating – your particular fetishes and peccadilloes immediately.” He paused and nodded at Orderly Knismo.

The orderly lifted me up and planted me on the exam table. Despite being utterly under his control, I squirmed and struggled a bit – mostly out of habit. He positioned me reclined against the padded backrest with my bound legs stretched out before me.

“Give yourself over to us,” the Dr. intoned. “We’ll have you giggling and squealing in no time!”

“Mrrruhh??” I questioned from behind my gag. ‘Giggling and squealing?’

“Well, by that, I mean of course…” the doctor corrected himself. “We’ll be starting your therapy to cure you of your shameful kinky desires. By uh…well, anyway…”

I realized then Knismo was humming a new tune, one I recognized from a Jell-O commercial:

“Watch it wiggle, see it jiggle…”

While the orderly held my upper arms, Nurse Gargalesis fastened a wide safely belt across my waist, pinning my hips and lower back into the table. Then Knismo removed the belt around my upper body and drew my arms behind the back cushion, fastening my wrists behind it.

Just like that, my upper body was immobilized; at best I could toss my shoulders back and forth. When I realized how my braless breasts were swaying back and forth, I quit that resistance too.

Meanwhile, the crazed-looking nurse had removed the belt from my ankles and replaced it with individual cuffs joined by a short cord. Then she used the hook to raise my legs up off the table!

Once the remaining straps were removed from my calves and thighs, my legs dangled from the ceiling hook a couple inches apart. Right away I realized how exposed I was between my legs and the underside of my rear. To make matters worse, they used scissors to clip off my panties!

The creepy doc took a position right at the end of the table – did he seem taller? – I couldn’t really tell – and besides, I had plenty of other things to worry about. Like the fact that he began caressing my feet and tickling my soles with his fingernails – while holding my ankles apart!

I was so distracted by him playing with my feet that I didn’t notice Nurse Gargalesis had picked up the dildo. She grinned wickedly while she held it up where I could see – and waved it teasingly at me. “Orderly Knismo, I think she’s going to need the pillow bit-gag for this.”

“Of course, nurse,” the orderly said happily, and peeled off the medical tape in a none-to-gentle manner. “Open wide, girl,” he commanded, pressing a padded leather bit against my lips.

At this point, I didn’t see much point in resisting the gag – and I had to admit the nurse was probably right. Based on the size of the dildo she was threatening me with, I was going to need something to bite down on. I opened my mouth to accept it submissively and had it buckled around my head. I was still trying to figure out what all this had to do with my personal kinks.

That’s when things really started to get weird. As if they weren’t weird enough already.

“Agent Katie,” Dr. Prodo chirped, looking at me from between my suspended ankles. “We here at the Clinic for Conformity try to identify a prisoner’s – er, patient’s – one or two main fetishes so that we can ‘cure’ them. You, however – well, you pose an interesting challenge.”

I really wanted to seem disinterested and defiant, but the truth was, I was kinda curious what he meant. I mean, my agency-appointed therapist hadn’t made much progress on the topic.

“You enjoy having all control taken away from you,” he continued.

If I wasn’t gagged, I would have said ‘no duh,’ so I gave him a noncommittal shoulder shrug.

“But you don’t have any one or two fetishes. You seem to have…well, almost all of them.”

Again, I wanted to say ‘no duh.’ There were, of course, some fetishes that were a hard pass for me. But not a lot! So I kind of gave him a little head bob as if to say,‘and your point is??’

“So I think our only course of action is to take you to a total sensory overload to desensitize you to…well, everything.” He gave a smarmy grin. The whole time he was still playing with my feet.

I was still nodding along with him up to that point, as if saying, ‘yeah, cool, cool…’ Then I stopped short and was like‘wait, WHAT??’ Sensory overload and desensitize me? I wasn’t sure what that meant and didn’t know whether to be worried or take it as a personal challenge.

“Orderly Knismo, if you will, please?” the creepy little doctor said, motioning to the man behind me. I heard a hiss of air and then the mask was cupped over my mouth and nose.

“Just breathe deeply, Agent Katie,” the smarmy doc grinned. “This will be just like the giggle gas at the dentist…you’ll feel everything that’s going on…you just won’t mind…”

            “…but you will enjoy it!”


Huge thanks to my friend @jonut21 for this fun Agent Katie artwork.

I’m flattered that her stories can inspire his artwork, and I’m grateful for our collaborations!

Go check him out on his DA page for lots of fun scenes and more artwork with his minions!

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!  #Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!  Thanks to all of you, 2023 is my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

Agent Katie Saved from the Tentacle Marathon

Artwork by Alucard’s Spirit

Full image and more at WordPress links

Thankfully Agent Katie is saved from the sacrificial altar and the 3000 tentacles by a victor valiant.

He helps her to her feet and she embraces him in a scene reminiscent of a Deathstalker Movie poster.


This post is, of course, a follow up to my Wednesday post celebrating 3000 watchers:

So who is this dashingly handsome and young-looking hero?

Well, it helps to know how Agent Katie got here in the first place.

You see, her boss – Director Alucard – keeps these magical teleport crystals in his office.

They lead to far-flung locales across multiple universes – wherever there is a paired crystal.

And you can only return using the paired crystal on the other world.

Agent Katie just cannot resist sneaking in there and checking out the crystals.

Is it because of her sense of adventure?  Her insatiable curiosity? Her cravings for danger and peril?

Or is it simply because she knows that Director Alucard or others will have to come to her rescue?

Of course, there are repercussions for such irresponsibility.

There’s the matter of wasted time and resources and TONS of money spent rescuing her.

And, of course, it’s a bit insubordinate to continually ignore your boss’ rules and orders.

For the moment, though, Agent Katie can only think of her gratitude for being ‘saved’ from the tentacles.

(Thankfully Alucard took his time and allowed her to ‘enjoy’ the majority of them first).

She crumples into his arms after he valiantly rescues her and victoriously clutches her tightly.

But once they get back to S.P.A.N.K. Headquarters, she’s going to have to find a way to ‘thank’ him

        …and serve her punishment for her disobedience.


If you enjoyed this kinky sexy fun times image, go give @AlucardsSpirit  a look on his DA page or other links. 

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you! 

#Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!  Thank you for making this the BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.
