Rope Practice with Agents Katie and Cecy

Artwork by Cecyme

Image and more at WordPress link


Agent Cecyme needed work on her rope skills and asked Agent Katie to be her ‘practice dummy.’

It was difficult to say who enjoyed it more!


Story begins here:

Its Thursday and Katie knows it

Even though Agent Katie is Agent Cecy’s supervisor and mentor, Agent Cecy delights in putting her trainer into compromising situations that undermine her authority and force Agent Katie into a submissive state.

And as degrading as it is for the older and more experienced Senior Agent Katie to have to submit to her subordinate protege, it also excites her to be so exposed and vulnerable – knowing that the beautiful younger agent has such power over her!

Watch for more Agent Katie and Agent Cecy stories coming soon.


We started out with Fridays as special training days for Cecy around the Agents of S.P.A.N.K. server.

She was publicly put through her paces by agents and villains alike.

She’s such a good sport – and reacts so delightfully – and looks so good doing it!

Cecy decided that on Thursdays, I – her boss and mentor, Senior Agent Katie – should receive a similar treatment. And ever since then, she’s surprised me with sexy images every Thursday.

Cecy now has her own GALLERY on MY DA page where you can see all of our shared images.…


See previous images of Cecy dominating Agent Katie here:


Huge thanks to my sweet friend Cecyme for this steamy hot artwork.

I’m flattered that she would take time to craft this for me and I’m so grateful for her friendship!

Go check her out on her DA page for lots of fun scenes and stories – she writes great saucy prose – and more artwork with her friends.

Thanks to all the creative partners in our community for all the creative energy, enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire group–I’m grateful to all of you!  #Gratitude2023 <–my mantra for the new year!  

Thanks to all of you, 2023 is my BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’d like to join us in our Agents of S.P.A.N.K. discord server, send me a private message.

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